I think it'll depend on what type of work you do in the excavation, but I imagine we can arrange something.
How can whether or not I am the same guy as the guy who was lecturing to you on Tuesday depend on what's happening in Pennsylvania or Australia or Mars?
Now at first glance--and in fact, I think, at second glance it's going to turn out to be true--you might think that the answer to this question would depend on two basic issues.
See, I am trying to just confuse you by giving you functions that depend on various Numbers of variables.
The action says: “Of all the things I have to do, one of the most important is to take time to be with you, the person or persons I most depend on for us to be successful.”
I see step 5 as a bonus step, but not the determining one, since you shouldn't depend on others to help you (after all, they have their own responsibilities and projects).
I think that every now and then we should be reminded of all the people making a difference in our lives. I hope that you are always surrounded with friends who you can depend on.
You shall know when you show that you also depend on me, how happy and moved I am.
So, let's do our first example. Let's say I give you a function f = -y because it doesn't depend on x.
I am training you to depend on me alone, finding fulfillment in My Presence.
These values depend on how you have set up your database. Figure 23 shows the values that I used.
Marvin? Can I depend on you to deposit this money in the bank before it closes?
I know that the important plans you have been contemplating depend on my answers, and I am truly sorry that I haven't been more helpful and responsive.
Don't you get it? I am all on my own now, I don't have anybody else to depend on.
Alex: Yeah, I guess under a year you haven't really learned to depend on the other person all the time.
I have to say it would largely depend on the size of the order and the items you want.
I felt in this city I was just isolated, from that time, I said to myself, " you have no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself" (AD:Joozone. com)And then I came to my dormitory 303.
我觉得我在着个城市里孤零零的,从那个时候,我就对自己说, “在这儿,没有人能帮你,一切都要靠自己”后来,我住到了303 。
When we're on the job you're the only person I can depend on. Not friends, family, not anybody, just you.
This means "You can depend on me" – I can be trusted to be responsible and get the work done, or do what I say I will do.
In my last post on the Change Blog, I talked about disconnecting your happiness from others - how when you depend on others for your happiness you only make yourself (and others) more unhappy.
Through the analysis I find whether can skilled use of the site analysis will depend on whether or not you can skillfully use some skills.
As a reader, I depend on you, the researcher to make good decisions.
I wish you may receive this in time to come hereto-night, but I will not depend on it.
I'm a runner, and I can't depend on water fountains, so either someone is carrying water or you bring money.
Throughout American history, though, they have lost that bet, and I believe they will this time as well. (Applause.) But ultimately, Class of 2012, that will depend on you.
I thought I could depend on you, Old Bryson. You've hit on the very idea.
I am willing to give you a peace of mind of depend on, when you are lonely chit chat with you.
All I know is you have to depend on your formula at crystal report Both main report and subreport has a formula parameter.
All I know is you have to depend on your formula at crystal report Both main report and subreport has a formula parameter.