You know how I feel about you playing sports and not studying?
You know how I feel... It's always the same old story: no money, no appreciation.
You know how I feel . . . It's always the same old story: no money, no appreciation.
Then you know how I feel. I hope you get your move, maybe you'll get put in with Dockley or how does a junky sound, junking every night on the bunk opposite?
Yes, yes, yes, I know just how you feel, Mrs. Harper, I know just exactly how you feel.
As you know, I have a great interest in your being successful on this job. How do you feel things are going?
Oprah: You know, I actually started to feel it when I…when I had the option, you know, well, the question was do I leave in two thousand and…you know how I like numbers.
But Dad, do you know that because of your authoritative style, I do not dare tell you how I feel?
So I thought the shortest way was to go straight to Countess Olenska and explain — by the merest hint, you know — how we feel in New York about certain things.
I notice that when my stress level is high, then those things really come upon me, so I constantly keep in shape, you know, how I feel.
Slim, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age. How do you feel?
Do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been — how you feel, who you are — because I read Oliver Twist?
So I don't know how people feel about taking-- maybe I'm turning you off by saying this-- There's going to be a lot of detail in this course.
“I sure don't have the average job, ” Bradshaw said at the time, “but I know how depression and anxiety can affect how you feel about your work.
Although I apologized in person for..., I want you to know how bad I feel about it.
So I don't know how people feel about taking — maybe I'm turning you off by saying this — There's going to be a lot of detail in this course.
I know I have to find you now. Can hear your name and don't know how. Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?
Sometimes I hate you so much cuz you dont know how does it feel.
I am sorry but I think most people would have done the same, most of you would never know how it would feel to be that exhausted.
Dunn: I want to know what you've done with it and how you feel and what you think about and what's the impact you've had with people.
No. No. Adam-Aadam likes romance. He needs to know how I feel, so... I love you.
Minmei: I know how you feel Rick. Sometimes you can't be happy unless you do what you dream about.
My meaning is simple. I just want to know how you feel. Are you tired, hungry or thirsty?
I don't know how you feel about reading it, but I've always thought that this was the most touching love story I have ever told in my life.
I do not know how to do, even after a meal will be holding a "Three Kingdoms" stand in half an hour, until you feel not so saturated.
"It's OK. I know how you feel about him. I just didn't know how to tell you after that, though," Ruth said, laughing.
"It's OK. I know how you feel about him. I just didn't know how to tell you after that, though," Ruth said, laughing.