Always with a smile and interested eyes that communicated, "You matter to me."
He planned to get your attention for just a few seconds so he could say this to you: "I've seen every hurt in your life, and I've never stopped loving you." You matter to me.
That's something that doesn't matter, either to you or me.
It doesn't matter to me what you do.
If you would like to discuss the matter further, please call me.
As darkness came over the field and the match ended, the goal keeper, Juan, walked over to me and said in a matter of fact way, "In your home, do you have a moon too?"
It doesn't matter to me whether you go or not.
However, if you catch my hand instead, no matter what happens to me, you will not let me fall down..
My father advised me that: “No matter what happens to you in life, no one can take your education from you.”
No matter what he was saying to me, the background commentary in my head ran, "He's not telling the truth, be careful, watch out, you can't trust him."
Of course it will bring me great pleasure to,the same brilliant moonlight a few more times even though I've said, “It doesn't matter at all if you see no moon.”
"My feeling is, no matter how you treated me, you raised me to this point, so I should thank you," he says.
If you are like me, no matter how much you like some of the other tools discussed, there will always be those occasional times when you just want to see what is really going on by using a text editor.
To those who call me callous for being so matter-of-fact about losing a baby, I ask, what do you want from me?
"It was a matter of someone saying you can do it," she explains. "it had never occurred to me that I could be published."
I have ever thought that you were a kite and that as long as I held the string tightly, no matter where you flew, you would still belong to me.
As for which of the five categories you fall into, it really doesn't matter to me.
It seems to be just right. As a matter of fact you reminded me just in time.
The man says, “Hey!! I sent you down to the corner store 45 minutes ago to get me a newspaper. What's the matter ?!”
Muras, there is a very important matter, want you to do, can you help me get a big jar it?
When I don't listen to somebody, I'm basically saying, “You don't matter to me. You're not important to me.
Beowulf: I found you, seed of Sparda! I told you that I remember your rancid scent! No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me!
All dreams are good dreams, no matter whether it can be achieved. All in all, thank you accompany me to do a dream.
It is not matter, if you have not children or your children follow his (her) father, but you don't ask me to make a baby with you.
It does matter. You know how she talks to everybody and their brother! Now the whole town will be asking me for money!
Also did not dare with you to pour out me in PTS is some unhappy and the happy matter.
It's only three short stories, in our life, you, me or she would have occurred or had moved a lot of, some will make us happy, some will make us cry, but no matter how we, life still need to continue.
As a matter of fact, we're been hoping you will come, Edith. And I was expecting you to phone me in any case.
As a matter of fact, we're been hoping you will come, Edith. And I was expecting you to phone me in any case.