They may have well done the work internally, and when we say internally we mean all the bodies -the spiritual self, the integrated self that we have spoken with you about before.
The Spirit of God may give you a strategy regarding what to say, as well as when and how to say it.
Well duh, you may say. But smell and taste can serve another subtle function too, Underhill notes. "They get your saliva glands going, and that makes you hungry.
You may say... "you always say I have to change my thinking, this is redundant." Well the question is, "have you changed your thinking yet?"
You may say to yourself, "Well, isn't it always the case that meaning is important and that meaning is hard to construe?"
Real Passion means putting genuine love into everything you do, even if people tell you it's stupid and it doesn't pay well. It may not always be practical but as they say.
"The individual may say:" Well, that doesn't help me either, because now this helpless feeling, it just seems like the worst crime in the world to be helpless, weak, just let everything happen to you.
You may say, well… some sister is just "too shy" to say a word, can't she just quietly sit around?
Next, feed this hair sandwich to a dog and say, "Eat well, you hound, may you be sick and I be sound." this will trick the evil spirits and help your cough.
You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss.
Mr. Bush said his main concern was ensuring the safety of those drugs and said, "Now, it may very well be here in December you hear me say I think there's a safe way to do it."
They had been looking for this horsefor some time, and the suggestion was so acceptablethat May glanced at her mother as if to say: "You seehe knows how to plan out his time as well as any ofus."
And any thoughts you might have of not listening to me and obeying everything I say, you may be surprised to find them going right down there as well.
You may say "well if you are feeling relaxed and confident, you might be more prone to make stronger bets where before you may have backed away".
You may say "well if you are feeling relaxed and confident, you might be more prone to make stronger bets where before you may have backed away".