B: Look, I already paid for the tickets, so whether you like it or not we're going to finish watching it.
Pay money to your savings account as though it was a bill that must be paid promptly and you will succeed in saving your hard-earned cash for a rainy day.
Your industry might have room for six or seven well-paid consultants, but when you try to scale up to 30 or 40 people on your team, you discover that it stresses the market's ability to pay.
You price it at $400, thinking it's a fair price considering you paid a hundred bucks MORE for the item a year ago, and it's worth $400 today.
For example, if you are allowed to give the content you downloaded and paid for as a gift, the recipient may not be able to run it on his or her device because it is different from yours.
New York gallery owners will tell you that the value of any work of art is only what the last owner paid for it.
Now, the users are fairly helpful, but since you paid a company for the software, you might expect good support — but you won't get it.
When you're amidst designing and getting paid for it, you don't step back and see if you're on the right track - the one that's true to yourself and your design vision.
That means that we have to make it harder for you to share information, even after you've paid for it.
"It is well, Sir," he said, "since you are the person, but I must be paid for all those little things."
I mean, look around you, they charge a thousand dollars ticket for this thing, for this holy event. It used to be 200 dollars, but I paid it.
Sublicense the design, use it on another website or prevent the designer from licensing the exact same design to your competitor for a small fraction of what you paid.
But it appears to have paid off. "You need an icon or two in a museum to drag people in," said Hurum, "this is our Mona Lisa and it will be our Mona Lisa for the next 100 years."
If you haven't been paid for work you've done, re-evaluate your payment structure so that it doesn't happen again.
I shall now prove to you that this electronic marvel10 is worth every dollar I paid for it. Let's say we are spending roughly $30 a week for groceries11.
Your pathetic civilization relies on the Mighty Zulu for protection. It is time that you paid us for this valuable service!
They played a computer game that paid real cash to look for money behind three doors on the screen. (You can play it yourself, without pay, at tierneylab.blogs.nytimes.com.)
It used to be axiomatic in advertising that no one paid for mixed messages. If you lost commercial cachet, it was gone forever.
Just because you can do something and get paid well for it doesn't mean you should.
Doing a PhD should be fun and rewarding, because you can spend all your working time discovering things and pursuing ideas — and getting paid for it, without any administrative responsibilities.
When you tell a young player he will be alongside great players abroad and paid 10 times more it is difficult for them to refuse.
How many times have you lent a friend some cash for lunch or a movie only to never see it again? Here's how to get paid back easily and how you can prevent this problem in the future.
On that same note, if you find that you've struggled to make ends meet or that you're not being paid what you're worth, it might be time to update your resume and look for a new job.
On that same note, if you find that you've struggled to make ends meet or that you're not being paid what you're worth, it might be time to update your resume and look for a new job.