I am pondering living solely by the Food Rules for August so I will keep you updated on that.
Let's say you're willing to try setting aside an hour a week for pondering, but you think you're just not the creative type.
But if you limit the question to influence, it bears pondering, all the more if you turn the question around and ask, what might have happened if one of these men had not been born?
When you worry, you, of course, are pondering on ”bad” things; you see them in vivid detail, you experience those situations in your mind; you literally feel the stress.
It's very similar to worrying, except when you meditate, you're pondering on things that you actually want to occur.
You still take the exam as you used to and your mood does not change at all, but you do not perform well. Then everyone is pondering whether your psychology is not stable enough.
They occur when in the midst of reading you start pondering that conversation you just had with a friend, the movie you want to see or whether you should do your laundry.
Everything surfaces as it is needed and relevant so there is NO need to wonder if it will return, to make decisions on it, other than the one you are currently pondering for this very moment.
Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose?
If you've been in a quandary about something for while, keep pondering until you receive a loud and clear message as to the next move.
Pondering how this happened, you nostalgically recall how comfortable and well-liked you felt in your last job.
Every spare minute you could find them hunched over a chessboard, pondering their next moves.
Since no question carries greater weight than any other do not waste time pondering individual questions you find extremely difficult or unfamiliar.
If you're pondering whether to buy Alibaba's shares, you should take note of management's own assessment of its value in recent months.
You may be facing a challenge right now, or perhaps an important question you've been pondering, but you're not facing this alone.
Just as he was pondering over the matter, Hsiao-ch 'eng came running and jumping along, yelling at the top of his lungs all the way, "Dear Miss Su, have you come down with lovesickness?"
In the still air of Autumn, listening to the sound of trampling the fallen leaves, you were pondering slowly with "the cafe of Philosopher".
PONDERING whether a baby got mum or dad's eyes may seem like idle speculation, but knowing which parent certain genes came from can tell you about your risk of disease.
After pondering for a while, Mr. Eastern said, "I heard that the God of Fire likes to eat Tang-Yuan (Sweet dumpling). Does Yuan-Xiao often cook Tang-Yuan for you?"
You are moody, often pondering your past deeds, and have an inability to connect with those around you.
You are moody, often pondering your past deeds, and have an inability to connect with those around you.