If you need to launch hundreds of nodes at a time, you pretty much have to use EC2.
No, I think you pretty much covered everything. Im sure Ill have questions later, if I get the job.
As the previous figure illustrates, if you need any tooling support, you pretty much need to install this client.
Once you set the rotor size, you pretty much have determined the thrust air speed (if you know the mass of the helicopter).
So this is going to tell you pretty much everything you need to know in terms of getting ready for the exam, which is next Wednesday.
Much of MVC Contrib was developed in parallel with ASP.NET MVC itself. Did you get much support from Microsoft during that time or were you pretty much on your own?
MVCContrib在多数时候都是和asp.net MVC同步开发的,你们从微软获得帮助了么,还是主要依靠你们自己?
You're frightened of what to say and how to say it, so you pretty much agree or go along with everything that is being discussed in order to avoid ANY sort of controversy.
I've never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, though.
When somebody invented the automobile, before you knew it, everyone was driving automobiles and they all looked pretty much the same.
You can create a blog in aboutfive minutes, and later you can make it pretty much as simple or elaborate asyou want.
But it's nice to know that you can find pretty much any configuration if you take the time to look for it.
Because Innoopract offers the ability to build your own Eclipse distro, you can do pretty much anything you're able to add to your custom distro and download.
由于In noopract提供了构建自己的Eclipse发行版的功能,因此您可以执行很多操作并添加到自定义发行版和下载中。
"When they've decided you're the one, you can ask pretty much anything as long as you ask it well," Ginder says.
If the operating system is DOS, or something similar to it, all of this setup work means that you can pretty much have your command prompt instantly.
If you write in assembly language, you're pretty much forced to write comments; no one on earth can read the code directly.
Pretty much wherever you look this summer, Hillary, Bill, and even Chelsea Clinton are in the news.
With these rules encoded into the JET templates, you are pretty much done, and you can now test out the transformation.
Mr. FISHER: (Soundbite of laughter) I think that's pretty much it, but you have to get the crowd sufficiently dense.
Insurance agents recommend that you write down the serial number of pretty much everything you buy (computers, televisions, etc.).
You can pretty much rest assured that if every person you meet enthusiastically tells you that you have the greatest idea they’ve ever heard, your idea is terrible.
Sure, you can opt for the salad - but the calories you get from the salad dressing can pretty much negate any vitamins you get from the vegetables.
You can turn Settings on and off for certain applications, by location, time of day, and pretty much any other condition you can think of.
In terms of where different atoms are in a molecule, if you have a hydrogen atom or a fluorine atom, you can pretty much guarantee they're always going to be terminal atoms.
The interesting thing is that this exercise will help you solve pretty much any problem in your life, be it a professional or a personal one.
My acronym is ATOM and good ol' Atom allows you to organize pretty much any space using four simple steps.
Each exercise work on specific muscles, pretty much like when you are working in a gym.
But the truth is, you can lose weight following pretty much every diet on the bookstore shelf.
You should now have a pretty much final image visually. You may want to touch up here and there to be completely satisfied.
With a bit of creativity, you can deliberately misinterpret pretty much anything she says.
With a bit of creativity, you can deliberately misinterpret pretty much anything she says.