Computeritis is what happens when you sit in front of a computer screen for too many hours.
To drive a car that you use to sit in traffic in for 2 hours a day?
The money is behind a desk, and you have to sit there for eight hours a day to get it.
And there are very few people that you can sit down and speak to for, like, eight hours at a time.
Wrap this bad boy in plastic wrap as tight as you can get it and let this sit for a couple of hours.
Tony:Do you want to sit for two hours in a movie theater? Let's do something outside tomorrow.
If you sit for many hours a day in a traditional office job, you may be interested in a new study.
But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you thind it's two hours.
But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it's two hours.
In other words, you can sit in front of the sun for hours without a wicked sunburn.
When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours.
But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it's two hours. That's relativity.
You don't know anything about them, but you sit next to them for hours, or perhaps days, in the same small room.
You can choose to sit in the office for eight hours, sleep for eight hours, and spend the remaining eight hours sitting down eating, chatting, checking your WeChat Moments, and watching TV shows.
You could walk or sit for hours, observing whatever you encounter. Throughout many incarnations, you were a scholar, caught up in higher knowledge: law, philosophy, theology, science.
Suppose you can sit still for one hour, ten hours, one month, or ten months. That's only a sign that you have had a bit of response in your work, that you've attained a state of "lightness and ease."
Suppose you can sit still for one hour, ten hours, one month, or ten months. That's only a sign that you have had a bit of response in your work, that you've attained a state of "lightness and ease."