But that doesn't mean you throw in the towel.
Before you throw in the towel, try this happiness-boosting trick: you can train your brains to be grateful and appreciative of the environment that you're in, and to find ways to improve it.
Failure doesn't mean that you sit down and never throw in another attempt because throwing in the towel only means that you quit for this time not for all time.
Everyday isn't going to be smooth sailing and there will be times when you want to throw in the towel.
Or, of course, it could mean you are done with your relationship and are about to throw in the towel.
But what happens when a week goes by and you don't receive an offer? Should you sit by the phone and wait or throw in the towel?
Something is ending - is a friend moving away, or is this person making you mad enough to throw in the towel and leave?
Something is ending - is a friend moving away, or is this person making you mad enough to throw in the towel and leave?