"Well, it is very nice to meet you. I hope you know how lucky you are!" he said.
That day when you helped me, I felt very sad and now I decide to tell you the truth, you are such a nice friend!
I had a very nice reception last night with some beautiful flowers - as some of you know I love flowers, so I was very happy about that!
It has some very nice features. The product handles lists better than most other word processors, allowing you to join or split items.
As you can see, the actual TAB use formed a very nice bell curve, skewed to the lower Numbers of tabs.
If you introduce a registry in that scenario you can create a very nice and elegant service oriented architecture.
I think Kevin is a very nice person, but you have to admit he isn't very responsible.
The default is to come up read-only -- very nice for a system that you may want to unplug a lot.
缺省情况为只读 — 这对于您可能希望经常拔下设备的系统来说是再好不过了。
If you find that you’re passionate about carpentry or woodworking or electrical wiring, you can earn a very nice living and you don’t really need to go to college.
And before you walk out, you have a very nice car manual that looks like your previous car manual, but it's printed on the spot.
"You know," I said. "Like a kiss feels. It felt nice. The kiss felt very, very nice."
Even though the JBI standard didn't gain that much traction it's a very nice specification which makes working with ServiceMix very straightforward when you understand JBI.
If you can't wait until my next article, Andrew has a very nice ext3 and 2.4 usage page that will show you how to get ext3 up and running on your system in no time.
This is not only very easy to use for consuming a Web service, but it can also give you a nice way to display information about your Domino Web service.
它不仅可以很方便地用于使用Web服务,而且可以提供一种很好的方式,用于显示有关Domino Web服务的信息。
The nice thing about Psyco is that you can use the very same Python code you have been writing all along (literally!), but let it run much faster.
First of all, I think that just in that sentence you have used some very nice, very interesting turns of phrase, so I'm not sure that I completely believe what you say!
Britain is not very big, so you can drive along the road and stop wherever you want and see some nice places.
Every person has a finite amount of money. Either you can buy lots of crappy stuff or you can buy a few very nice things.
And every nice girl likes a sailor. Actually if you were able to formalize things you would find it very easy to do this.
It is very important to have nice teeth, women think about it every time they consider kissing you.
It is very nice to be the only child; you don't need to share or grab things from others.
It all looks great as you watch Turner and your enemy taking chunks out of each other, with very nice blood effects (not suitable for children).
Mass-tagging is very nice when, for example, you have a directory full of music by an artist and want to tag all that music with the artist's name.
And print, the nice thing is that it's very affordable to print because you can print it using our Xerox image printing systems.
But one thing at a time. I wanted to point out to you that very often functions that you see in real life satisfy many nice relations between the partial derivatives.
One very nice feature of the template build process is that the entire process is displayed for you in real time!
One very nice feature of the template build process is that the entire process is displayed for you in real time!