Again I repeat that if you ever visit me in the future, you will be treated as my best friend and I will be a very polite and courteous host to you.
From your initial contact with us you will be treated as an individual and our relationship with you continues well after you have been placed in your new job.
If you will let me have her, she shall be treated with the greatest honour and respect as one dearly beloved.
Even if you break the rules by accident, it is still treated as academic dishonesty, and you will be punished.
If you grow to regret your decision to resign as an American, advisers warn that is difficult to become one again as you will be treated like any other non-resident alien of the US.
You may rest assured that any information you may provide will be treated as strictly confidential.
The success of our economy will depend on your skills, but the success of our community will depend on your ability to follow the Golden Rule — to treat others as you would like to be treated.
As a new civilization emerges, it is you who will be treated with respect and your needs placed at the top of the list.
The personal data collected will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used only for receipting and other communications with you.
You are not meant to be subservient to anyone, and when you move into the higher vibrations you will find all are treated as equals.
You will be treated with contempt as a notorious bilker wherever you go. We'll see about that!
Bathroom because of its high utilization rate, customers will be impressed, you must be treated in the same way as attention to signs, well-designed.
Applications will only be reviewed when they are complete plus all the necessary material. The information you provide in this application form will be treated as strictly confidential.
As part of our team, you will be treated fairly and recognized and rewarded for your ability.
As part of our team, you will be treated fairly and recognized and rewarded for your ability.