Character ID level only shows the name of the character-in StarCraft II, this is your non-unique character name.
The JNDI name is the unique identifier your code will use to lookup the data source; this article's example code uses jdbc/OracleXADS.
JNDI名是您的代码用来查找数据源的唯一标识符。本文的范例代码使用jdbc/OracleXADS 作为 JNDI 名。
The JNDI name is the unique identifier your code will use to lookup the data source; this article's example code uses jdbc/OracleXADS.
JNDI名是您的代码用来查找数据源的唯一标识符。本文的范例代码使用jdbc/OracleXADS 作为 JNDI 名。