It is the point at which particles have a minimum energy, determined by quantum mechanical effects, which is called the zero-point energy.
Such change is taking place throughout your solar system, which allows your scientists to observe at close quarters how zero-point energy and matter operate in the galaxy.
According to quantum theory, extracting the zero-point energy effectively and making it be impetus to micro-aircraft will help the micro aircraft to work without having to carry fuels.
Scientists using this theory to trace our universe backward in time have found that its beginning point had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite.
Magnetics are by definition polar. Crystalline energy is non-polar, zero point!
There is no further need to pollute planet Earth once free energy, zero point energy devices are in the public domain.
I could have chosen it right here and nothing would change other than that I offset the zero point B of my potential energy.
The intermolecular interaction energy is calculated with MP2 electron correlation correction, basis set superposition error (BSSE) correction and zero point energy (ZPE) correction.
Zero point energy is the energy that surrounds us all, without it all the universe wouldn't exist.
For dissociation energy, zero point vibration energy (ZPVE) is calculated and basis set superposition error (BSSE) is corrected by counterpoise method.
A statistical expression of the late constant was raised, in which the zero point energy was considered, and the calculated results were in a good agreement with the experimental.
A statistical expression of the late constant was raised, in which the zero point energy was considered, and the calculated results were in a good agreement with the experimental.