Main functions and characteristic for zero sequence current protection setting program are presented in this paper. Ways of no_balance zero sequence current for double lines are introduced.
The validity check of zero-sequence operating direction for transformer directional over-current protection is also essential.
This paper analyses the existing zero sequence directive current selective leakage protection principle which is to surmount the effect of distributed capacitance on it.
The paper proposes a method which corrects the Angle of zero-sequence current in the algorithm of differential equation used for distance protection and fault location of HV transmission lines.
A novel principle of negative-sequence current compensation based adaptive zero-sequence over-voltage protection is therefore proposed.
Zero-sequence current criterion, negative sequence current criterion and phase current variation can be used to improve the performance of breaker failure protection for ACF sub-bank.
Based on the symmetry component theory, a method of the motor protection is presented by measuring positive, negative and zero sequence current component.
This paper studies the influence of converter transformer D-bridge zero sequence circulating current on valve short circuit protection.
Over current protection, negative current protection, zero sequence current protection, over time of start protection and low voltage protection is configured in the device.
Several different protection ways for earth fault are introduced and discussed from earth-fault protection, zero-sequence protection, residual current protection and other aspects.
The major function and features of the calculating program for Settings of zero sequence current protection of Hubei power system were described.
The major function and features of the calculating program for Settings of zero sequence current protection of Hubei power system were described.