Likewise, a sign for OK, forming a circle with our forefinger and thumb, means zero in France and money in Japan.
同样地,用食指和大拇指围成一个圈的表示OK 的手势,在法国表示“零”,在日本表示“钱”。
After the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets.
The markets have failed to zero in on this problem, because of all the other squeaky wheels in the global economy, but sooner or later, they will latch on it.
We know that the zero does not count as a node, if per se I actually had managed to hit zero in drawing that, the correct answer would be the bottom one there.
So when it comes to carbs, zero in on quality, not quantity.
Winter temperatures average 30 d3egrees below zero in the Arctic.
By lowering its target rate to almost zero in 2008, the Fed helped save many Banks from collapse.
Although the average temperature is-25C, it can plummet to -40 or soar to zero in the summer.
That means that attackers find it difficult to make a program return to an address with a zero in it.
Economic growth will likely fall below zero in 2009 and poverty and vulnerability are likely to increase.
The other side of the coin is that Westerners zero in on a salient object and tend to categorize the object.
The RMO register is introduced for every partition to reference logical zero in the partitioned memory space.
为每个分区引入了RMO 寄存器,以便引用分区的内存空间中的逻辑零。
So du/dT isn't going to be zero in the high temperature limit, in this case. But it stops changing at some point.
In some domains, certain kinds of bugs must be kept at zero in order for the product to be acceptable to customers.
As a result there has been pressure on the central bank to raise interest rates, which are at zero in real terms.
The rebuilding continues at ground zero in Lower Manhattan, turning the scene of a tragedy into a symbol of renewal.
SetClientPollInterval indicates the interval between the two Bayeux requests. This is usually set to zero in long polling.
Handling previous work experience on the job application gets more difficult because the trained interviewer will zero in on any gaps.
If all else fails, be sure to bracket each image, or zero in on the correct exposure by using guess and check with the rear LCD screen.
Chris Varvares of Macroeconomic Advisers, a forecasting consultancy, thinks that core inflation will fall to close to zero in 2011.
预测咨询公司Macroeconomic Advisers的Chris Varvares认为核心通货膨胀将在2011年下降到接近0的水平。
The jury seemed to zero in on the science, asking to reread all the testimony about the neuroscience during 10 hours of deliberation.
It's divided into categories like J2EE development, security, and migration, so you can zero in on the topics of most interest to you.
Crowds celebrated throughout the night outside the White House and at ground zero in Lower Manhattan where the Twin Towers once stood.
Just as important: Follow these simple rules that will help you zero in on key risk factors for weight gain - and conquer them once and for all.
Of course, that's all pretty boring, so it's much more common to see data binding packages that zero in on both a format medium and a programming language.
Faced with sinking asset prices, insolvent Banks, moribund growth and deflation, the bank of Japan (BoJ) eventually lowered its policy rate to zero in 1999.
In the US and Japan, rates fell close to zero, and the Bank of England hinted that rates could fall to near zero in Britain too, having already fallen to 2%.
In the US and Japan, rates fell close to zero, and the Bank of England hinted that rates could fall to near zero in Britain too, having already fallen to 2%.