I arrived in this country with zilch.
After all, the historical loss rates on American mortgages is close to zilch.
We talk about energy all the time - "Zilch, the energy food," "energy crisis," and so on.
But most have to scrape by on "zilch" or, at most, on a fraction of what is taken for granted in the for-profit world.
"Planet Money" says Mr Bernanke "pushed down interest rates" almost to zilch, and they're probably right, but maybe not for the right reason.
In addition, on the base of recounting writer's grass-roots life experience, states Sun Chunping's grope for the fate and spirit of zilch.
We've all been there - you thought the date went perfectly, he ACTS fine the whole time, and afterwards, you wait for him to call and... zilch.
A few additional observations and some number-crunching later, astronomers noted that the chance of the planet-killer hitting Earth in 2029 was nearly zilch.
ABSTRACT: To take your Italian bubbly knowledge from zilch to A-game, we created this easy-peasy infographic outlining the country's four main styles of sparkling wine.
摘要: 一张图带你认识意大利四大著名起泡酒,喝惯了香槟的土豪们可以偶尔换换口味哦!
ABSTRACT: To take your Italian bubbly knowledge from zilch to A-game, we created this easy-peasy infographic outlining the country's four main styles of sparkling wine.
摘要: 一张图带你认识意大利四大著名起泡酒,喝惯了香槟的土豪们可以偶尔换换口味哦!