What makes it so cool is the possibility of determining how these near humans reacted to heat.
In fact, as biologists are discovering, its consequences can be stranger than we ever imagined.
The collective abilities of such animals-none of which grasps the big picture, but each of which contributes to the group's success-seem miraculous even to the biologists who know them best.
Coastal treasures, ancient forests, dazzling glaciers and incredible wildlife - Patagonia has captured your imagination, but where do you start?
“Birds can do some pretty spectacular things, ” said Kenneth P. Dial, a biologist who, in 1988, founded the lab at a field station near the University of Montana.
As strange as it may sound, prehistoric creatures like Xenicibis make Dixon's speculative beasts seem almost conservative in their anatomy.
You will see white sandy beaches and crystal blue waters filled with some amazing marine life. The cultures that you will encounter are among the most carefree and relaxing in the world.
You will see white sandy beaches and crystal blue waters filled with some amazing marine life. The cultures that you will encounter are among the most carefree and relaxing in the world.