Those who are unsatisfied with this settlement would have until January 5, 2010 to submit lawsuits, Google said.
Expectations of the surgery is too high, or my eyebrows or text on the text eyeliner hesitant, family members who do not agree.
There are the "counter-dependents", those who usually disagree with everything that is said, particularly if it comes from the chairman or through consensus from the group.
But there are lots of dissenters — many groups, including the consumer advocacy group behind consumer Reports, claim the FDA report is not transparent enough and relies on too little data.
The Tigers’ former following, however, is now rudderless, allowing dissenters to speak up.
The Tigers' former following, however, is now rudderless, allowing dissenters to speak up.
Reasonable people can and do disagree about exactly what we should do to avert another banking crisis.
But a prosecutor can legally offer something of far greater value-his freedom-to a witness who says the opposite.
Peirson disagreed with Johnson's initial assessment that there was likely only one assailant.
Enemies of usability claim that because "the experts disagree," they can safely ignore user advocates' expertise and run with whatever design they personally prefer.
Not so, say critics, observing that subsidies and other big outlays do not kick in till 2014.
Participants can indicate if they agree, disagree, kind of agree or oppose vehemently -- all non-verbally.
The salt reformers dismiss these speculations, arguing that with the right help, people can maintain low-salt diets without gaining weight or suffering other problems.
Primakov also insisted that the agency have nothing to do with Russian internal affairs so that it wouldn't be tainted by any potential future suppression of domestic dissidents.
People will often disagree about what certain colors mean and what colors designers should use to implore a certain emotion.
Thanks to the country's long experience of volatility and inflation, most investors do not agree to long lockup periods for their money.
My rule when hosting an online community is that participants will be civil with each other even if we disagree on the issues.
A new report Outlines a genetic chain of events that kills off leaves, although researchers are split on whether the true culprit has been identified.
Dilma Rousseff, Lula's successor, is trying to rationalise interstate taxes, and has so far refused state governors' request to reintroduce a financial-transactions tax.
As a longtime science journalist, I suspected that this is the kind of instructive controversy-with top-level people taking opposing positions-that often occurs at the leading edge of research.
The market's overseers may not agree with Christopher Whalen of Institutional Risk Analytics, a consultancy, when he describes off-exchange derivatives as an “act of Satan”.
If a winner refuses to agree to this stipulation, then the Academy keeps the statuette.
Right or wrong, Lord Mandelson and some of the others disagreed, and truly thought keeping Mr Brown was Labour’s least bad option.
Right or wrong, Lord Mandelson and some of the others disagreed, and truly thought keeping Mr Brown was Labour's least bad option.
To Mr McCain's credit, on Friday he began to discourage such outbursts and told his supporters that his opponent is "a decent family man with whom I happen to have some disagreements."
The only problem: the 8, 000 or so nationalistic Indian tourists at Wagah daily would never allow it.
AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) disagrees. And with 35m dues-paying members, it can deluge with protests any politician who flirts with such notions.
Dissenters must accept dissent from their dissent, giving it all the respect they claim for themselves.
Dissenters must accept dissent from their dissent, giving it all the respect they claim for themselves.