• 自我与个人潜意识(包含一切无法明显感受能够影响意识的事物)息息相关

    Closely related is the personal unconscious, which includes anything which is not presently conscious, but can be.


  • 断言婴儿用同样方式感受思考也是每一潜意识感受思考语言

    She assumed that infants feel and think in the same way, and further that this is the language of thinking and feeling in everyone's unconscious.


  • 我们利用处于潜意识资源个人潜意识里的资源相互联系并达到同一频率的时,我们我们便称之为心灵感应。

    We are drawing upon resources within the unconscious mind. When the resources of two unconscious minds link together into the same frequency, we call it Telepathy.


  • 这种宣传我们清楚什么是我们个人真正价值的时候对于我们潜意识会有明显的影响

    This kind of propaganda can have a substantial influence on our subconscious if we are not clear about what really matters to us personally.


  • 而是个人潜意识中对意识中的心理意象或想法做出应答祈祷得到了回应。

    Prayers are answered when the individual's subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his or her mind.


  • 同样在快活地将金钱等同于潜意识中的粪便后个人却无法抗拒金钱的力量。“情绪极大取决于收入”,他对一名同事写信道,“金钱是我的笑气。”

    Still, while blithely equating money with feces in the unconscious, he himself was not immune to its power: "my mood also depends very strongly on my earnings," he wrote to a colleague.


  • 形成军事决定前,好的指挥官往往潜意识考虑集体的影响从而个人决策过程产生影响。

    But in reaching their decisions, good commanders are open to formative collective influences that will impact on their personal decision making process, albeit often sub-consciously.


  • 但是潜意识知觉到的东西(例如条消息广告)是非常有限的

    But just because a person perceives something (a message or advertisement, for example) subconsciously means very little by itself.


  • 也就是说,当我们看到未颠倒的相片时,我们潜意识的会脑海中产生类似这样的想法:“这是,它是椭圆形的,那么就先一个椭圆形;头发细的,那么我就画一些线条。”

    Faces are ovals; I’ll draw an oval. Hair is long and stringy; I’ll draw some lines.


  • 或者这样一样,潜意识里,相信自己是永生

    Or, and this is the same: in his unconscious, every one of us is convinced of his immortality.


  • 我们潜意识隐藏着理想对象的爱情模板一张爱的蓝图,决定着人群将吸引我们眼球

    We all have a template for the ideal partner buried somewhere in our subconscious. It is this love map that decides which person in that crowded room catches our eye.


  • 这本书的目的教导,如何运用习惯性思维想象来塑造形成创造你的命运;因为如果潜意识中是怎么看待自己的,能成为他所想的那个人

    This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny; for as a person thinks in his subconscious mind, so he is.


  • 并没有什么真的发生的身上,除非这件在他潜意识里烙下了印记。

    Nothing really happens to a man except as it is registered in the subconscious.


  • 心理学家催眠师个人使用灵摆建立随着大脑潜意识通讯链路揭示人们认为忘记不知道信息

    Psychologists, Hypnotists and individuals use pendulums to create a link of communication with the subconscious mind to uncover information thought to be forgotten or unknown.


  • 直到现在,这个人遇上无法解决难题办公室沙发舒舒服服的睡上一觉,彻底放松自己,“然后潜意识去解决这个难题!”

    Now, whenever a problem comes up that he cannot solve, he simply stretches out on a lounge in his office, thoroughly relaxes, and lets his subconscious mind solve the problem!


  • 如果个人一张照片,不论死人活人潜意识创造一个他们思想形式他们那里等你

    If you cut out a small picture of someone, living or dead, your subconscious will create a thought form shell of them and they will be there waiting for you.


  • 个人掌控自己生活。谨记这点。每个有意识潜意识做的选择都早就了现在的自己。

    Because you are in control of your life. Don't ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made.


  • 个人觉得如果不准也许我们潜意识内心写照生活中发现自己吧

    Personal opinion, if allowed, perhaps a reflection of our subconscious mind... found in the life yourself!


  • 什么诱使终极自己方式摆脱群众潜意识认同,就摆脱出一团迷雾?

    What is it in the end, that induces a person to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist?


  • 根本上是因为信仰体系个人信仰系统功能潜意识水平

    At the root, it is because of the belief system of the individual and that belief system functions at the subconscious level.


  • 个人重复某种信念足够多时这个信念会沉积潜意识成为一种现实

    When a person repeats a belief often enough, it sinks into the subconscious and becomes reality.


  • 个人最喜欢的人性误判自私偏见大脑如何潜意识决定自己有利东西别人也是好处呢?

    My favorite human misjudgment is self-serving bias: how the brain subconsciously will decide that what's good for the holder of the brain is good for everyone else.


  • 帮助个人所有人会在潜意识层面接收帮助

    He is aiding everyone, his help being subconsciously received by all.


  • 金兹伯格视频中运用红色烟雾代表夸大个人潜意识整体

    Ginzburg applied "red smoke" in the video to reveal the exalted self with an expression of the collective unconscious.


  • 金兹伯格视频中运用红色烟雾代表夸大个人潜意识整体

    Ginzburg applied "red smoke" in the video to reveal the exalted self with an expression of the collective unconscious.


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