What is remarkable is not the price, nor even that the funds to buy it in these straitened times will have been raised entirely from philanthropic sources.
Significantly, many of the Arabic words that travelers brought back with them at this time suggest a gracious, even luxurious style of living.
Dr Gray said 'It is very interesting that higher BMI at age 18 actually leads to a greater risk for cancer than higher BMI in middle age.
The Song Dynasty is a turning time in Chinese history, during which the common people's ideas about lawsuits, contracts and the ghosts and gods' reward and punishment deserve our careful study.
Gao Kegong, an important figure during the painting style transformation period in later Song dynasty and early Yuan dynasty, is a very famous painter in painting history.
Gao Kegong, an important figure during the painting style transformation period in later Song dynasty and early Yuan dynasty, is a very famous painter in painting history.