There had earlier been a number of explanations suggested for the sinking, including an accidental collision with an unexploded sea mine left over from the Korean War.
A series of incidents this year -including the death last month of an American Marine involved in their disposal -have caused an uproar on Okinawa.
In England, that may be followed by a swift move to initiate divorce proceedings, and then an emergency maintenance application that includes provision for legal costs.
Realistically, a budget accounting item for contingency allowance should be established whenever a contingency amount was included in the final cost estimate.
A series of incidents this year - including the death last month of an American Marine involved in their disposal - have caused an uproar on Okinawa.
Adverse events have included unintended "shocks" from neurostimulators, insulin pump malfunctions, and transient changes in pacemaker output pulse rate.
The author acclaims that the scope of risk includes natural force, accidentalness and natural attributes of the goods.
Service, the first set of service, to determine each link program of action, unified link language, time, equipment, including the incident, temporary requirements of resolving ways and methods.
Service, the first set of service, to determine each link program of action, unified link language, time, equipment, including the incident, temporary requirements of resolving ways and methods.