I don't agree with everything in it, but I'd be mad to expect to agree with every point in such a book.
On the phone, Cheryl had explained that she would interview me for the first hour of the session; then, if I agreed, we would do "body awareness exercises."
And if I agreed to the increasing requests, they were building up my image - at the same time making it harder and harder to go against it, to say no to the next request.
If I consent to burn them, will you promise faithfully neither to send nor receive a letter again, nor a book (for I perceive you have sent him books), nor locks of hair, nor rings, nor playthings?
Her parents did not approve of her decision and, if she failed, her mother would say, "I told you so."
And if I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy and ask no man's permission.
To me, that would have been crucial; after all, I wouldn't tell a child there is no Santa Claus or why I am an atheist without a parent's permission.
I agree entirely with the sentiment that if the project is not important enough to have a user representative, then it is not important enough to even do.
If Tom thinks psychiatric medications are evil, I'm thinking there is no way he would agree with what is essentially the implantation of silicone-stuffed sacks.
Verdict: Real or Fake? If Tom thinks psychiatric medications are evil, I'm thinking there is no way he would agree with what is essentially the implantation of silicone-stuffed sacks.
If we were talking about the taste of apples, I'd agree that taste is just personal preference.
If you are thinking that moving from a select field to a text field requires a little more work, I agree with you.
“是的,我们决不能落后,”他们都点点头。 但请注意,如果 I shook my head的前面没有表示否定涵义的词not,则仍作“我摇头表示不同意”解。
If you ask me, I have to disagree. Something shouldn't be watched for fun.
And I wouldn't agree to some of these cuts if we were in a better fiscal situation, but we're not.
I wish I could agree with you, but if you ask me, kids aren't very affected by what they see on TV because they know it isn't real.
And if she wants chocolate, I say yes –I don’t want to deny her food.
To deny that people can acknowledge inequity or consent to its simulation in a relationship seems to me to disrespect those people and to deny them the rights to choose their own lives.
I know many will disagree, but I promise you that if you somehow divide up decision making you will be better off.
I've never considered myself a sentimental man, and if you asked my wife, I'm sure she would agree.
Best to have a script, to think it through: if this person wants into my life again, should I let her?
So, I said, if GM and Chrysler were willing to take the difficult steps of restructuring and making themselves more competitive, the American people would stand by them - and we did.
"In the beginning, my parents said no, but then my dad said OK, if that's what you want," he said.
Finally I was. Listen, if you don't take this you're so dum, you'd better buy me out.
If you posed this question to Miss Manners, I expect she would come back with a quick answer - use the standard formalities — but I don't know that I would agree.
And you have no restatements if the order is increasing or if the order is decreasing and it doesn't change the computation you all agree with me, okay?
And you have no restatements if the order is increasing or if the order is decreasing and it doesn't change the computation you all agree with me, okay?