• 时间年少的宋先生汉英翻译工作,他最终获得统计学应用数学博士学位,进入媒体市场研究领域。

    The younger Mr. Soong also worked as a Chinese-English translator for a time, eventually earned a Ph. D. in statistics and applied mathematics, and went into media and market research.


  • 时间年少的宋先生汉英翻译的工作,他最终获得统计学应用数学博士学位,进入媒体市场研究领域

    The younger Mr.Soong also worked as a Chinese-English translator for a time, eventually earned a Ph.D. in statistics and applied mathematics, and went into media and market research.


  • 时间年少的宋先生汉英翻译工作,他最终获得统计学应用数学博士学位,进入媒体市场研究领域。

    The younger Mr. Soong also worked as a Chinese-English translator for a time, eventually earned a Ph.D. in statistics and applied mathematics, and went into media and market research.


  • 这项学位课程中,将会获得一些包括研究设计数据分析翻译数据处理软件应用技巧

    Skills you will acquire in this degree program include research design, statistical analysis and interpretation, and the use of data-processing software.


  • 关联理论话语理解提供了较强的解释力,广泛应用于文学翻译学科研究

    Relevance theory has been widely applied to studying utterance interpretation, translation, literature and so on.


  • 它们不仅有助于消除书面语歧义,推动人工智能机器翻译研究开发而且能更好地服务于对外汉语教学提高人们的语言应用能力。

    This study will definitely not only improve the research and development of artificial intelligence and machine translation but also be of great help with teaching Chinese as a foreign language.


  • 本文语用角度标记理论进一步研究尝试理论应用翻译质量量化评估

    This thesis furthers the study of markedness theory in terms of pragmatics, and attempts to apply this theory to numerical translation assessment.


  • 本文主旨则是说明将功能文体学应用小说风格翻译研究必要性有效性

    However, this paper aims at explicating the necessity and validity of applying functional stylistics to the study of translation of style in fiction.


  • 作为应用性较强理论目的论旅游资料一实用文本翻译研究开辟视角

    As a kind of practical theory, Skopostheory has opened up a new perspective for the C-E translation of tourist materials.


  • 外语教师可以收集整理相关材料,针对性地建设小型学习者语料库应用到实际教学、研究翻译

    Teachers may collect students writings and build small-sized learner corpora in line with their needs and apply them in teaching research and translation.


  • 语料库翻译教学应用研究翻译课程研究重要作用

    The application of corpus in translation teaching plays a very important role in the study of translation course.


  • 接受美学理论翻译研究中的应用引起了研究者对译者译文读者接受过程关注

    Application of the theory into translation studies brings to our attention the reception processes by translators and target language readers respectively.


  • 本文着重研究功能理论翻译批评中的应用

    This thesis focuses on the application of functionalist approaches in translation criticism.


  • 姜秋霞于2002年发表专著研究格式理论文学翻译中的应用

    Jiang Qiuxia published a monograph on the application of Gestalt theories to literary translation in 2002.


  • 论文旨在语用研究中的礼貌理论应用于文学翻译

    This thesis is aimed at applying politeness theories of pragmatics to the study of literary translation.


  • 接受美学理论翻译研究中的应用引起了研究者对译者译文读者接受过程关注

    Also application of the theory into translation studies brings to our attention the reception processes by translators and target language readers respectively.


  • 多数学者研究主述位翻译中的应用侧重两种语言结构上重合一点并不全面

    As for its application in translation, most scholars focus on conflation of the two languages, which is not comprehensive.


  • 同时该书重视应用研究,拨出专门篇衔接连贯理论在文体学翻译、外语教学其他相关领域应用进行了探讨。

    The book also gives due attention to application, with four chapters on the relevance of the theories to stylistics, translation, foreign language teaching and other related areas.


  • 尽管研究细胞表达系统对胸腺肽表达进行了研究,但由于原核表达系统缺乏翻译加工修饰等缺点,限制了应用

    Although the thymosin has been successfully expressed in the prokaryotic cell system, its application is restricted because of its deficiency of modification after translation.


  • 现代语言学研究成果应用翻译研究中,产生等值翻译理论

    The theory of Equivalent translation came into being when achievements in modem linguistics were applied to translation study.


  • 因此对比语言学中的有关理论应用翻译研究中去无疑会对翻译实践起到指导作用

    Therefore, the application of relative theory in contrastive linguistics must provide theoretical guidance to translation study.


  • 本文语言学研究应用翻译实践个案研究重点探讨原型性质以及语义原型语用原型翻译实践中的意义

    As a case study of linguistics in translation practice, this thesis mainly explores nature of prototype and practical implications of semantic and pragmatic prototypes in translation.


  • 语料库语言学已经从理论、描写应用层面翻译研究译员教育越来越重要作用

    Corpus Linguistics has played a more and more important role in translation studies and translator education on different levels.


  • 通过一概念应用翻译研究本文指出译者翻译中同样跨越性别的界限,呈现更为复杂双性视角。

    By applying this concept in translation, I propose that the translator can cross the gender border and present androgynous perspective in translation, which is more complicated than the writer's.


  • 针对一难题,本文达等人提出对等理论中医文献翻译上的应用进行研究

    The application of Nida's equivalence theory in TCM translation is studied in this thesis.


  • 第五章总结研究教学模式效果,并指出研究不足之处,最后提出改进高职应用翻译教学的建议。

    Finally, Chapter Five concludes the findings of this thesis, points out its limitations and brings up Suggestions to improve the pragmatic translation teaching in HVTI.


  • 本项研究主要针对翻译工作坊高职院校翻译教学中的应用而展开,探讨一教学方法高职院校课堂教学中的适用性

    This research aims at the application of TW approach to translation teaching in higher vocational colleges, i. e. the focus of the research centers on the approach's applicability.


  • 应用研究是目前文体学研究最薄弱环,也是最有前途的一个重要领域主要论述了普通文体学文学口语阅读写作翻译教学中的应用问题。

    Lastly, it discusses its application in the teaching of such courses as literature, speaking, reading, writing and translation. General stylistics is believed to be a promising area in the future.


  • 应用研究是目前文体学研究最薄弱环,也是最有前途的一个重要领域主要论述了普通文体学文学口语阅读写作翻译教学中的应用问题。

    Lastly, it discusses its application in the teaching of such courses as literature, speaking, reading, writing and translation. General stylistics is believed to be a promising area in the future.


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