What's perhaps even more remarkable than the rankings alone are the Numbers associated with growth.
The pages act as dashboards, providing you with timely information presented in an appealing manner.
The most remarkable thing about that figure, though, is not how big it is, but that it is smaller than it was two years ago.
One of the most notable aspects of the Metro user interface is its panoramic layout.
The prospect of being able to enter new markets is one factor that makes convergence an attractive strategy, but there are others.
In test runs of the device, the depth camera was affixed to a head-mounted rack that is anything but inconspicuous.
The striking similarities between the two proposed mergers extend beyond the nationalities involved.
But for most of the country's elite the most conspicuous item of consumption is sending their children to university in America.
What we found interesting about these six lines is that they indicated that the update task was taking 30 minutes to complete its cycle.
One notable development in the campaign is Barack Obama’s ability to raise money from small individual contributions of under $200.
But what I found notable about the demo was that I never saw Rishi Chandra actually interacting with anything directly.
The spectacle was all the more remarkable for being carried live on television, even as the waves engulfed flat farmland that offered no resistance.
Although the idea of alternative descriptors was available, the monolithic metadata made it an unattractive option.
Strikingly, the financial conglomerate is paying slightly higher interest on its five-year debt than Lehman or Bear Stearns.
For one thing, it has an arresting surface-level prettiness that offers an easy way in.
One of the most notable changes to APT is that Squeeze installs packages from the recommends section by default.
They can be blank and positioned in unobtrusive areas of the application, or they can be used to display a logo or other branding.
In considering a framework for safety studies of adjuvants, attention was drawn to the limitations of animal models in predicting adjuvant safety.
它们可能用不引人注意的方式缓慢地杀害人民,促进退化性疾病也许在10 -30年生效。
They might kill people slowly in a way that's unnoticeable, taking effect over perhaps 10-30 years by accelerating degenerative diseases.
The most remarkable observation, shared by all the respondents, was that the single biggest barrier to professionalism was the inability of practitioners to say NO!
There are other things horribly wrong with this article, but this one point stood out because, as fallacies go, it tends to propagate wide and far.
Once cars are assembled the more conspicuous type of testing begins, out on race tracks with real drivers at the wheel.
Since the cost of digital distribution is almost zero, the thinking goes, cinemas ought to gamble on more obscure products.
A less obvious challenge with scale relates to the speed at which an organization can deploy, integrate, and administer a system over time.
"We perhaps put too much stress on an acute incident, an explosion, a compelling notice that something really awful has happened," Lederberg said.
This is permissible and compiles without warning, but no interesting action occurs when the script runs.
But searching Twitter for the same term produces a rich, detailed and compelling insight into the views of tens of thousands of people about the furore.
But searching Twitter for the same term produces a rich, detailed and compelling insight into the views of tens of thousands of people about the furore.