• 今天人们并不懂得需要怎样适当的饮食维系当前意识水平更遑论提升一个更新更高意识层次了。

    Humans are failing at this time to understand what a proper diet requires to sustain the current level of consciousness, let alone ascend into a new higher level of consciousness.


  • 要让刷新当前显示的模型,我们必须查看器意识编辑器做出了更改强制刷新。

    It will not refresh them unless we make the viewer aware of changes made in the editor and force it to refresh itself.


  • 使当前处境令人害怕意识里觉得现在什么东西不对劲。

    What makes the present situation even more terrifying is the underlying sense that something is very different this time.


  • 2010年,IRL已经过时,因为当前我们已经意识到,我们与其他人在线沟通与我们通过书写甚至面对面的方式沟通的效果完全一致。

    In 2010, IRL is obsolete, because we all realize by now that when we communicate with each other online it's just as real as when we do it in print or even face-to-face.


  • 不过意识自己思想正在开小差的时候,就已经找到方法思想慢慢拉回到当前事情上了。

    But by becoming aware of that jumping around in your thoughts, you have found the tool for gently bringing yourself back to your present task.


  • 大多数认为当前很困难因为他们总是试图去控制他们意识自然状态

    Most people find staying in the now difficult because they are trying to control their natural state of awareness.


  • 留在当前职位上,然而去参加夜校在线课程,那么,在意识之前,你已经获得了理想职业的学位证书了。

    Hold onto your current job while taking courses at night or online, and before you know it, you will have a degree in that field of your dreams.


  • 系统通常意识当前日期时间所以计算机当前日期中提取出生日期获得年龄是一微不足道的事。

    The system is always aware of the current date and time, so it's a trivial thing for the computer to subtract a birth date from the current date to get an age value.


  • 因为意识放在当前发生事上,你把自己有力地推进当下时刻

    Because you're placing your awareness on what's happening right now, you propel yourself powerfully into the present moment.


  • 重要的一点我们双方都意识到,当前这一时刻,需要采取共同的努力行动

    And most importantly, we understand that joint decisions and consolidated action are what is most important now.


  • 然而,只要意识计算每行元素之和时候,只要值超过了当前最小值可以停止,你通常可以程序更快

    However, you can usually make the program significantly faster by realizing that as you compute the sum of each row's elements, you can stop as soon as the sum exceeds the smallest you've seen so far.


  • 这些自动驾驶时刻哈佛埃伦·兰格失神——沉迷于自己思绪以致没有意识当前体验时所度过的时间。

    These autopilot moments are what Harvard's Ellen Langer calls mindlessness-times when you're so lost in your thoughts that you aren't aware of your present experience.


  • 因为我们意识不同大小显示器不同的设备使用Gmail所以现在屏幕每项元素之间空间将会随着您当前使用的显示设备种类来自动适应。

    We know that you use Gmail from a variety of screen sizes and devices, so now the spacing between elements on the screen will automatically change based on the kind of display you're using.


  • 前额皮质(Cloud注:可以认为是主意识开始被激活,明确了当前目标分解出“寻找更多需要信息” 的子任务来。

    The prefrontal cortex, home of our working memory, first sparked to life with the realization of the goal and the identification of the sub task, locating the missing piece of information.


  • 建议很好的收听到但是有时候你们小我控制了意识因为响应了你当前心态

    It is advice that should be well heeded, but sometimes your ego overrides it because it is responding to your present mindset.


  • 当前章节意识到,随着戈登美利设计有限公司创作梦想

    The current chapter realises that dream with the creation of Gordon Murray Design Limited.


  • 正是有这种意识觉醒,越来越多的参与当前时尚休闲体育中来,从而使休闲体育作为生活方式,向着一种时尚的方向前进。

    For this kind of consciousness, more and more people to take part in the current fashion leisure sports, so as to a way of life of leisure sports to be a fashion direction.


  • 实际上当前复杂社会环境激醒民族集体意识结果

    In fact, it is the result of national collective unconsciousness aroused by the current complicated social environment.


  • 显著的修正允许当前有限意识状态意识状态转变你自己

    These remarkable modifications will permit you to transform yourselves from your current state of limited consciousness to a state of full consciousness.


  • 你们意识状态提升的时候,变的十分正常,你们可能超越导向扬升当前时期瞥见未来

    This is quite normal as you rise up in consciousness, and you may glimpse well into the future beyond the immediate period leading to Ascension.


  • 当前我们把唤醒主体意识培养主体能力以及塑造健全主体人格作为目标塑造中实现转变

    Presently, we must awaken main body consciousness, raise main body ability as well as the mold perfect main body personality take the goal, in realizes the transformation to person's mold.


  • 世界海啸意识提醒人们必须降低当前未来风险水平

    World Tsunami Awareness Day serves as a reminder of the importance of reducing current and future levels of risk.


  • 小我意识希望保持当前的状态,不断的困扰当前习惯生活方式中。

    Ego desires to keep the status quo with the way of life you are used to.


  • 对于寻找能够表达当前科学技术人类意识活动形式语言设计师来说艺术无疑提供直接丰富源泉

    Be able to find expression for the current science, technology and human activities in the form of awareness of language designers, art is no doubt provide the most direct source of the most abundant.


  • 许多妇女开始意识到,自己人际关系工作上抗争并不只是个人的软弱无能,旨在使妇女禁锢当前这种地位的文化系统很大关系。

    Many women began to recognize that their struggles in relationships and jobs were not just their own personal failures, but were related to a cultural system designed to keep them in their place.


  • 当前意识身体胸腺功能减弱退化老化过程主要原因

    Currently, the slowdown and deterioration of the thymus is a major cause of the aging process in the conscious body.


  • 当前意识身体胸腺功能减弱退化老化过程主要原因

    Currently, the slowdown and deterioration of the thymus is a major cause of the aging process in the conscious body.


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