• 因为这些出乎意外事件听到丹瑞大选已经表示迷惑”这位官员

    "Because of these surprises, I heard Than Shwe is in a bit of confusion over the election," said the ex-officer said.


  • 通过使用这个方法可以actiontransitionfunctions中添加清单4粗体函数,从而处理这个意外的事件

    Using that method, you can accomodate this unexpected event by adding the function highlighted in bold in Listing 4 to the actionTransitionFunctions table.


  • 专业警务人员参与这项调查,但是没有迹象表明死亡事件是否嫌疑谋杀或者只是一件悲惨意外

    Specialist police officers are involved in the inquiry, but there has been no indication of whether the death is being treated as suspicious or a tragic accident.


  • 操作员用户角色类别中事件分析人员调查IT系统发生意外事件管理服务端点

    In the operator user role category, the incident analyst investigates unexpected incidents when they occur in the IT system and manages service endpoints.


  • 法国官方形容这次处理中心发生的爆炸一项工业意外事件并且没有侦测出辐射外泄

    French authorities describe the explosion at the nuclear treatment facility as an industrial accident and say no radioactive leaks have been detected.


  • 交通事故”,是指车辆道路过错或者意外造成人身伤亡或者财产损失事件

    A "traffic accident" means an incident in which a vehicle causes, when running on road, personal injury or death or properties losses due to an error or unexpected incident.


  • 如果一个事件包含数据描述属性那么RFIDIC仍然会捕捉这个事件但是将这个属性当作意外属性。

    If an event contains an attribute that is not described in the meta data, RFIDIC still captures this event, but considers this attribute a surprise attribute.


  • 2007年,出版了《天鹅高度意外事件影响》,主张人们应该忽略罕见不可预测事件可能性重要性

    In 2007, he published the Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable, which argues that we should never ignore the possibility or importance of rare, unpredictable events.


  • 包括上个月美国海军清除行动中发生死亡事件在内,今年一连串意外在冲绳引起一阵骚动。

    A series of incidents this year -including the death last month of an American Marine involved in their disposal -have caused an uproar on Okinawa.


  • 正如前一篇文章中讲到过,这会最近修改文件在出现意外重新引导事件毁坏

    As I explained in my previous article, this could allow recently modified files to become corrupted in the event of an unexpected reboot.


  • 这不是个意外事件科学家们认为这个全球蔓延流行病以及我们目睹死亡我们廉价的贪求的直接结果

    No: they argue this global pandemic - and all the deaths we are about to see - is the direct result of our demand for cheap meat.


  • 导致调整因素可以经济低迷或者诸如1998年俄罗斯债务危机类似意外事件

    Corrections can be caused by economic downturns or by some kind of unexpected event, such as the Russian debt crisis of 1998.


  • 客户事务利率更改供应商订单物流难题以及飓风罢工意外外部事件全都影响企业

    Customer transactions, interest rates changes, orders from suppliers, logistical difficulties, and unexpected external events from hurricanes to strikes, can all impact a business.


  • 然而,从地球木星轨道动力学角度,这次消失极端意外事件

    But due to the orbital dynamics of Earth and Jupiter, this particular disrobing was far more abrupt.


  • 根据该署调查,对空气水体造成污染意外事件2010年的上半年翻番平均每月10起左右。

    The ministry said the number of accidents fouling the air and water doubled during the first half of 2010, with an average of 10 each month.


  • 沙特有关官员说道利雅得2003年意外发生了爆炸事件后,安全力量发现此地隐藏大量武器

    When explosives were accidentally set off in Riyadh in May 2003, say Saudi officials, security forces found a vast cache of weapons.


  • 最近接连发生一连串事件某种程度上促发了这种关注——人们没有救助发生意外或者需要紧急医疗同胞

    This has been precipitated in part by a spate of recent incidents in which people have failed to come to aid of fellow citizens caught in accidents or medical emergencies.


  • 英国可能很快导致开始离婚诉讼然后开始申请意外事件生活费,这申请包括有关诉讼费规定

    In England, that may be followed by a swift move to initiate divorce proceedings, and then an emergency maintenance application that includes provision for legal costs.


  • 必须自己一些缓冲时间以防预料之外的事件——比如意外交通堵塞

    You must give yourself some buffer time to cover unexpected events - like a sudden traffic jam.


  • 必须自己一些缓冲时间以防预料之外的事件——比如意外交通堵塞

    You must give yourself some buffer time to cover unexpected events -like a sudden traffic jam.


  • 格曼尔研究所是生育医疗权威,该研究所意外怀孕的增加最终导致每年增多400,000起堕胎事件

    The Guttmacher Institute, a leading authority on reproductive health, says a rise in unintended pregnancies would result in some 400, 000 more abortions a year.


  • 格曼尔研究所是生育医疗权威,该研究所意外怀孕的增加最终导致每年增多400,000起堕胎事件

    The Guttmacher Institute, a leading authority on reproductive health, says a rise in unintended pregnancies would result in some 400,000 more abortions a year.


  • 大衣每个口袋都装套应付各种不同意外事件的物品。

    Each pocket of this coat had the air of being in a manner provided against unexpected accidents.


  • 野外成功度过猎豹只有10%,因此到膘肥体壮第四个月,这些小家伙已经能够应对最难对付的意外事件

    Barely 10 per cent of cheetah cubs make it past three months in the wild, so at a sleek four months, these youngsters have already beaten the harshest of odds.


  • 条出现2009年CG事件排行榜颇感意外只要这次升级能够所有PC用户工作有所进展,坏。

    This is a surprising addition to a list of CG-related happenings for 2009, but I suppose if this upgrade allows PC users to actually get on with their jobs, it can't be all bad.


  • 那场事故一连串意外上周飞机坠毁事件最近了,上周飞机坠毁夺走了三个人的性命

    The collision was the latest in a string of accidents that plagued the races that week, killing three pilots.


  • 仔细地撰写编辑你自己版本嵌入式帮助出错消息其他意外事件

    Carefully write and edit your copy for inline help, error messages and other contingencies.


  • 仔细地撰写编辑你自己版本嵌入式帮助出错消息其他意外事件

    Carefully write and edit your copy for inline help, error messages and other contingencies.


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