"Because of these surprises, I heard Than Shwe is in a bit of confusion over the election," said the ex-officer said.
Using that method, you can accomodate this unexpected event by adding the function highlighted in bold in Listing 4 to the actionTransitionFunctions table.
Specialist police officers are involved in the inquiry, but there has been no indication of whether the death is being treated as suspicious or a tragic accident.
In the operator user role category, the incident analyst investigates unexpected incidents when they occur in the IT system and manages service endpoints.
French authorities describe the explosion at the nuclear treatment facility as an industrial accident and say no radioactive leaks have been detected.
A "traffic accident" means an incident in which a vehicle causes, when running on road, personal injury or death or properties losses due to an error or unexpected incident.
If an event contains an attribute that is not described in the meta data, RFIDIC still captures this event, but considers this attribute a surprise attribute.
In 2007, he published the Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable, which argues that we should never ignore the possibility or importance of rare, unpredictable events.
A series of incidents this year -including the death last month of an American Marine involved in their disposal -have caused an uproar on Okinawa.
As I explained in my previous article, this could allow recently modified files to become corrupted in the event of an unexpected reboot.
No: they argue this global pandemic - and all the deaths we are about to see - is the direct result of our demand for cheap meat.
Corrections can be caused by economic downturns or by some kind of unexpected event, such as the Russian debt crisis of 1998.
Customer transactions, interest rates changes, orders from suppliers, logistical difficulties, and unexpected external events from hurricanes to strikes, can all impact a business.
But due to the orbital dynamics of Earth and Jupiter, this particular disrobing was far more abrupt.
The ministry said the number of accidents fouling the air and water doubled during the first half of 2010, with an average of 10 each month.
When explosives were accidentally set off in Riyadh in May 2003, say Saudi officials, security forces found a vast cache of weapons.
This has been precipitated in part by a spate of recent incidents in which people have failed to come to aid of fellow citizens caught in accidents or medical emergencies.
In England, that may be followed by a swift move to initiate divorce proceedings, and then an emergency maintenance application that includes provision for legal costs.
You must give yourself some buffer time to cover unexpected events - like a sudden traffic jam.
You must give yourself some buffer time to cover unexpected events -like a sudden traffic jam.
The Guttmacher Institute, a leading authority on reproductive health, says a rise in unintended pregnancies would result in some 400, 000 more abortions a year.
The Guttmacher Institute, a leading authority on reproductive health, says a rise in unintended pregnancies would result in some 400,000 more abortions a year.
Each pocket of this coat had the air of being in a manner provided against unexpected accidents.
Barely 10 per cent of cheetah cubs make it past three months in the wild, so at a sleek four months, these youngsters have already beaten the harshest of odds.
This is a surprising addition to a list of CG-related happenings for 2009, but I suppose if this upgrade allows PC users to actually get on with their jobs, it can't be all bad.
The collision was the latest in a string of accidents that plagued the races that week, killing three pilots.
Carefully write and edit your copy for inline help, error messages and other contingencies.
Carefully write and edit your copy for inline help, error messages and other contingencies.