• 为了每天六个,她便机器下碰到这种意外的事故

    It came through an accident while working at a machine to earn six sous a day.


  • 一次意外的事故全身烧伤,两失去功能,可拒绝把自己沉浸伤感不幸里。

    After an accident in which his entire body was burned and he lost the use of his legs, he refused to feel sorry for himself.


  • 太斯顿时话都说不出来了。转念一想这些洞窟大概是由于某种意外事故没了,或许红衣主教斯帕达为了更加小心而故意填没了的。

    For a moment dantes was speechless; then he remembered that these caves might have been filled up by some accident, or even stopped up, for the sake of greater security, by Cardinal Spada.


  • 同样地金钱衰老疾病死亡自然灾害意外事故几乎全人类面对的问题

    Similarly, money, growing old, sickness, deaths, natural disasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings.


  • 见证意外溺水事故发生率的增长

    It has witnessed a rise in accidental drowning.


  • 杀虫剂喷洒可以经过周密计划意外事故无法预见的天气状况以及飞行员失误往往会导致预期更多的喷洒量。

    The spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents, weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had anticipated.


  • 巴黎检察官办公室火灾造成非自愿破坏展开了一项调查这表明他们认为造成火灾的原因意外事故不是犯罪行为

    The Paris prosecutor's office has opened an inquiry into "involuntary destruction by fire" indicating they believe the cause of the blaze was accidental rather than criminal.


  • 如果类似这样事情发生身上,您可能会希望一个保护天使随时保存工作这样发生意外事故时,还可以找到该工作文档。

    If anything like this ever happened to you, you probably wished that you had a guardian angel who saved your work from time to time so that you can retrieve it when such unexpected incidents happen.


  • 奥兰多海洋世界总裁丹•布朗,有关方面这起意外事故展开调查。

    Dan Brown, President of SeaWorld Orlando, said officials were investigating what appeared to be an accident.


  • 意外事故或者疾病中风,对大脑损害灾难性的,会导致瘫痪甚至记忆丧失

    Damage to the brain from accidents or illnesses such as strokes can be catastrophic, ranging from paralysis to memory loss.


  • 他们让志愿者们观看机动车安全驾驶意外的交通事故视频剪辑

    They evaluated healthy volunteers who were shown video clips of both safe driving and unexpected motor vehicle accidents.


  • 大家都明白无保险者每天生活艰辛只要一起意外事故一场疾病就可以使他们破产

    Everyone understands the extraordinary hardships that are placed on the uninsured, who live every day just one accident or illness away from bankruptcy.


  • 直觉通常不能警示人们可能到来意外事故袭击诱拐死亡

    Intuition and instinct routinely fail to warn innocent people about impending accidents, attacks, abductions and death.


  • 这个年龄段意外几乎方面(除了工作事故之外)都占很高比率

    This age group dies of accidents of almost every sort (other than work accidents) at high rates.


  • 尽管试行期间意外事故索赔数量下降了30%,但是用到的远程信息处理花费巨大,这种计划注定无法持续施行

    Even though accident claims dropped by 30 percent during the trial, the required telematics were too expensive to make the program sustainable.


  • 看来似乎是实验者造成意外事故实际上是被小心控制骗局一部分。

    And what will seem to you like accidents by the experimenters are all part of a carefully controlled deception.


  • 实际上神经元细胞可能失去它们捕获信息,这他们最大弱点之一对于意外事故反应则是它们最大的长处之一。

    The fact that nerve cells can lose the information they capture is one of their greatest weaknesses - but their response to such accidents showcases one of their greatest strengths.


  • 生存可能性身体意外事故承受能量转移能力

    Survivability refers to the body's capacity to tolerate the energy transfer in accidents.


  • 一次意外事故受伤杆子刺穿了颅骨毁坏了他的大部分大脑

    Gage was injured in an accident in which a rod passed though his skull and destroyed a large part of his brain.


  • 近期一个项目重新激发起意外事故心理学兴趣参与其中尝试描绘出导致美国士兵自杀心理上风险因素

    My interest in the psychology of accidents has been rekindled by a recent project in which I am involved that attempts to characterize the psychological risk factors for suicide among US Soldiers.


  • 这些意外事故临时避难所掩体人们可以这里几天检查电站辐射情况外界保持联系

    These are the bunkers for temporary shelter in case of contingency. One can be here for some days, controlling radiation situation in the station and keeping connection with external world.


  • 我们人,一定时间内可以自行修复的,除了暴病而死或意外事故外,至少足以克服一切一般疾病事故

    We could, at one time, repair ourselves — well enough, at least, to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents.


  • 根据广州报纸南方周末的报道,铁道部意外事故预案强调的是“抓住每一恢复交通”的必要性

    The ministry's own contingency plan for accidents emphasizes the need to "seize every minute and second to restore the traffic," according to Southern Weekly, a Guangzhou newspaper.


  • 如果算上这次奇怪意外事故欧洲大陆这种现状一样持续贯穿了“变革”。

    The status quo survived the year of revolutions in mainland Europe too, if not without the odd casualty.


  • 眼罩着一黑色眼罩,左臂安着义肢右手畸形- - -这些都是过去喀布尔跟苏军打游击时,因一次意外爆炸事故而留下纪念。

    He had a black patch over his right eye socket, a prosthetic left arm and a deformed right hand, the result of injuries from an explosives mishap during an old operation against the Soviets in Kabul.


  • 所以锻炼身体合理饮食、适度饮酒停止吸烟购买保险;你还需努力安排好代管公司人选,应对意外事故其它自己必须抽身的情况。

    So take exercise, eat sensibly, drink in moderation, stop smoking, buy insurance and try to plan management cover in the event of an accident or other enforced absence.


  • 然而人们认真考虑自己的宠物投保以防意外事故疾病也是非常重要

    However, it's important that people seriously consider taking out insurance to cover their pet in case of an accident or illness.


  • 然而人们认真考虑自己的宠物投保以防意外事故疾病也是非常重要

    However, it's important that people seriously consider taking out insurance to cover their pet in case of an accident or illness.


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