Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn't become a staple food in central China until about 2, 000 years ago, according to the researchers.
Canyoneering is all about the serendipity of discovery, he says.
Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises.
Professor Zhou said: ‘This was a surprise because each form is usually created under different conditions.
I tried some once in the Chinese port city of Qingdao and was surprised by how thin and watery it is.
The extraordinary findings emerged from an analysis of brain activity in patients and counsellors in therapy sessions.
But this song, this time against the toil of the woman, but I was surprised to find this song is beating my heart.
Britain's three favourite words are love, serendipity and family, according to a charity effort to build a "wall of words".
Compiled under the computer, when the unexpected discovery of some freshman things look closely there are those, it would be of Enlightenment instead.
The firm discovered by accident that a lung-cancer drug that flopped among Caucasians worked well in many Chinese.
But Ariely noticed something surprising. When they stopped the promotion and studied what happened the next day, they found that people did not keep asking for it.
Trying new tools or techniques, after initial frustration, can lead to great discoveries and open new ways of self-expression.
The authors, who several times call their conclusion a "surprise," say that they were looking at the short-term job effects.
"Although the late crude survival for the asymptomatic cohort was not significantly different from the symptomatic cohort, this in itself was a somewhat unexpected finding," the investigators say.
With these techniques, researchers have found an unexpectedly wide variety of bacteria on human skin (Science, 23 May 2008, p. 1001).
The Principle of Limited Sloppiness is a phrase used to describe fortuitous or accidental discoveries (we're talking screwups) that actually helped humankind.
I simply checked Twitter to see what some of my followers were up to and almost immediately, a deluge of discussions on Flight 1549 cropped up.
When we reach to ATM machine of bank of China, we noticed that the biggest national bank on three days shutoff for computer system upgrade.
"We found something very unexpected," said co-author Pierre Dutrieux, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), referring to the 400m-high ridge.
"We found something very unexpected," said co-author Pierre Dutrieux, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), referring to the 400m-high ridge.