The kingdom of Italy was one of the constituent kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire.
Thee kingdom of Italy was one of the constituent kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire.
In 1805 Austria was compelled to yield Venice to the French-controlled kingdom of Italy but regained it in 1814.
1861年的这天,维克托埃马纽埃尔国王(King Victor Emmanuel)宣布意大利王国成立。
On that day in 1861 King Victor Emmanuel proclaimed the foundation of the kingdom of Italy.
除了教皇国因为受法国保护下仍然在中部存在外,意大利半岛已见统一。 直到1870年9月20日,罗马成为意大利王国的一部分,这也标I著意大利y一的完成。
Rome itself remained for a decade under the Papacy, and became part of the Kingdom of Italy on 20 September 1870, the final date of Italian unification.
在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(Regno diSardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。
Under France"s Napoleon"s military action, all the Italian city-nations were being conquered and unified as an Italian empire (Regno di Sardegna) by Napoleon.
1861年3月17日国王维克托•伊曼纽尔二世将半岛内的各城邦及撒丁岛和和晌魑骼锿(Regno delle Due Sicilie)合并成为意大利王国(Regno d"Italia), 建立了民族国家。
Italy became a nation-state in 1861 when the city-states of the peninsula, along with Sardinia and Sicily, were united under King Victor Emmanuel II on 17 March 1861.
The world's first global study on snake populations revealed that 11 of 17 snake populations in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Nigeria plummeted between 1998 to 2002.
Before unification in the 19th century, Italy was made up of dozens of principalities and kingdoms. Some, like San Marino, still survive.
The period from the conquest of South Italy by Normans to the establishment of Sicilian Kingdom is one aspect of the complex history during 11-12 century in Mediterranean World.
The work i speak of is called a treatise on the possibility of a general monarchy in italy , and will make one large quarto volume .
While his vehemence on this subject is easy to understand, economists here say that Mr. Barbera's small empire would be teetering even if he could rewrite the "Made in Italy" law tomorrow.
摘要: 皮埃蒙特是意大利葡萄酒王国中最闪耀的明珠。现在正值秋季,该产区的葡萄农们将迎来收获的季节。亲爱的各位葡萄酒迷们,不如趁此良辰,一起来做做这份皮埃蒙特知识小测吧!
ABSTRACT: Piemont is one of the finest wine regions of Italy. With Autumn coming and harvest time upon us, here we go for a wine quiz of Piemont!
摘要: 皮埃蒙特是意大利葡萄酒王国中最闪耀的明珠。现在正值秋季,该产区的葡萄农们将迎来收获的季节。亲爱的各位葡萄酒迷们,不如趁此良辰,一起来做做这份皮埃蒙特知识小测吧!
ABSTRACT: Piemont is one of the finest wine regions of Italy. With Autumn coming and harvest time upon us, here we go for a wine quiz of Piemont!