• 阿美同意的观点。即使失声也假唱强。

    May: I agree with you on that. Much better to sound off sometimes than to lip-synch.


  • 同意观点一些情况下,可能会匿名

    I agree with your point, there are some instances where you may want to be anonymous.


  • 多谢赞美之词。同意观点友谊语言不在言词在心意

    Thank you for your praise. I'm for you. The language of friendship is not word but meaning.


  • 同意的观点不该改变爱的人应该接受原本的样子。

    I agree with you in that we shouldn't try to change the beloved, that should accept him or her as they are.


  • 理论上同意观点如果这个条款或者类似没有保单的话,相应的问题

    I agree that theoretically you would have a problem with the BI claim if this clause or something similar had not been written into the policy.


  • 提亚:没错,没错。同意的观点不过为什么认为工业国家和连线杀人案有联系呢?

    Nitiya: exactly, exactly. I agree with you. But why do you think that industrial countries thing connected with serial killing?


  • 同意观点中国只是几十年才扩大开放的。或许的,时间可以改变希望如此

    I take your point about China only recently opening up. Perhaps you are right, and in time it will change. I certainly hope so.


  • 非常感谢同意的观点的确好的艺术没有国界之分或者语言帐碍。继续努力,再次感谢。

    Thanks a lot. I agree with you. Anyway, good arts has no foreign accent. I will keep going on, thanks again.


  • 大卫同意的观点对于们来说,身边太多愉快了,而且无聊。但是偷菜让很快乐乐。

    David: : I could not agree with you more. For us, there are so many unhappy things and I am so bored; however, I got lots of fun from stealing.


  • 同意观点可能是主要20,30日均线,所以最后一班岗,短期中期移动平均线债券打破然后选择

    I agree with your point of view, perhaps the main 20, 30-day moving average, and so the last shift, to be short and medium term moving average bond break up and then choose.


  • 同意观点知道每个人都有他自己的想法。

    I don't really agree with what he said. This is his opinion, but everyone has opinions.


  • 而言,那种重要,需要总体上理解爱情就是对,神父观点同意的地方,相信精神恋爱精神上的。

    And that kind of love for me is very important in understand in love in general. And that was my argument against the priest that somehow you believe in a spiritual love, which is pure spirit.


  • 支持此说的观点道听途说,但是一种感觉,许多过这本书女人都会同意(如果有的话来说一说)。

    All my evidence for this is anecdotal, but I have a feeling that a lot of women reading this would agree (and I'd invite you to speak up if so).


  • 承认目前完全同意观点需要这个问题再加考虑。

    I confess that I do not entirely approve of your point of view at present. I'll need to think about it some more.


  • 虽然了解观点还是不能同意

    While eI understand your viewpoint, I dont agree with you.


  • 不能同意大部分观点,而且如果们有更多时间的话争论但是所说失去的事情很有趣

    Well, hey—Ican’t say I agree with you for the most part—and I’d argue with you if we hadmore timebut what you say about what we lose is pretty intriguing.


  • 原来法国思想家伏尔泰大概会用直截了当语气,并自己的名言不厌其烦地赋予某个人权利,“同意的观点誓死捍卫表达观点权利。”

    It turns out the French thinker Voltaire probably never uttered the words so often ascribed to him: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”


  • 不是每个人都会同意观点如果没有共同点的话应该不会的文章:。

    Not everyone will agree with what I'm about to say, but I guess you wouldn't be reading my MS if we didn't have something in common.


  • 那么现在同意观点了,”,“就是第二条明文规定了,告诫应该如何从形式类别如何去描写谈论神迹。”

    "You agree with me then," I said, "that this is the second type or form in which we should write and speak about divine things."


  • 同意结论或者对此不同观点分享吧!

    Do you agree with my conclusions or do you have a different opinion about this? Please share!


  • 同意大部分观点引用的建筑是安藤最初的作品,大概有40多年了,座建筑窄,而且坦白说正是使安藤出名

    I agree with most of your points but the Ando project you referenced was one of his first, probably 40 years ago, it was tiny, and frankly it made him famous.


  • 为什么篇文章东西来说有意义。如果读了肯定同意观点

    Man: Why not? What this article says makes good sense to me. If you read it, I'm sure you'll agree with me.


  • 一旦了解所有这些一定同意所说孩子应该7以后上学观点

    Once you have considered all of these, you must agree with me that children should not be sent to school until the age of 7.


  • 非常同意关于赢得尊重观点,但进一步地赢得别人的尊重之前应该省视来找出问题根源。

    I can't agree with you more about winning over the respect, and furthermore, before winning respect from others, we need to check on ourselves and find out what the problems are.


  • 非常同意关于赢得尊重观点,但进一步地赢得别人的尊重之前应该省视来找出问题根源。

    I can't agree with you more about winning over the respect, and furthermore, before winning respect from others, we need to check on ourselves and find out what the problems are.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定