I grant you she's a clever woman, but I wouldn't want to work for her.
Look, there's no question this club's ability to respond to adversity is something which emantes from the coaching staff.
In some way, I agree with you that Singlish is like a dialect because we tend to mix our spoken English with some other languages.
T: in some way, I agree with you that Singlish is like a dialect because we tend to mix our spoken English with some other languages.
While I do not agree with what you say, I understand your reason for saying it.
I said, "Let me just concentrate on getting this done for you, and we'll settle up later. I trust you to be fair." She agreed.
The Solution: While I agree that you shouldn’t be a miserly Scrooge and save every penny because it physically hurts you to spend it, going the other extreme is just as bad.
"To be honest," Emil said, "I don't entirely disagree, but this isn't something I could have explained to Bomka Goldfarb."
All my evidence for this is anecdotal, but I have a feeling that a lot of women reading this would agree (and I'd invite you to speak up if so).
记住如果你同意某人的希望、愿望或者意见,你可以这样说Metoo /我也是。
Remember you can agree with someone’s hope or wish or opinion by saying Me too / Me too, e.g.
Itend to agree with Chase Jarvis, who says "the best camera is the one that 'swith you" -he's written a book and iPhone app, and created an online community, to reinforce this point.
"You agree with me then," I said, "that this is the second type or form in which we should write and speak about divine things."
Sam told me that you were a chicken, well, I don't agree with him at all.
Well, I mean, you wouldn't buy a skirt without asking your friends first…if it looks good on you.
People prefer to talk to someone who is presentable, meaning clean and tidy. stylish doesn't have to mean unclean and untidy, do you catch my drift?
That um, these two people they have got differents towards one issue and maybe one of them will say no I can 't, I can't agree with you and I can't stay with you any longer. so let's break up.
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say.
I know that many people will disagree with me when I say that these sports suck, but guess what?
Having said that (ie Despite what I have just said), I agree with your other point.
I can't agree with every word you say, but I swear to defend your right to speak.
Ladies and gentlemen... if I say I'm an oil man you will a GREe. I'm a family man; I run a family business.
I do not agree about what you said, but I am vowing to advocate your privileges of speech.
I do not agree about what you said, but I am vowing to advocate your privileges of speech.