• 这项研究的作者这样的,不能确定我同意这个观点

    Well, the authors who wrote up this study seem to think so, but I'm not sure I agree with them.


  • 互联网上学到需要所有东西同意这个观点特别是学习英语这个科目时

    We can learn all we need on the InternetI agree with this idea, especially on the subject of learning English.


  • 同意这个观点因为一生在成长过程中都这个明显身体上缺陷知道人们理解否定态度总表现出来

    I agree with this idea because I have grown up with a visible all my life with my physical disability and know of the negativity that people who don't understand can display.


  • 份耕耘一份收获经常被看成鼓励的名言,同意这个观点所以下定决心时,不要害怕将来要遇到任何困难

    Does farm work one point harvest, often saw the encouraging result, I will sigh, so long as you will have the determination, will not have what matter is impossible.


  • Jay呼吁这个问题上进行应该更多研究看过文章之后,不得不同意这个观点

    Jay calls on more psychological research to be done on this topic, and after reading his article, I'd have to agree.


  • 提到曾经许多客户合作过,他们事实上同意这个观点其作为他们的标准实践

    I'll mention that I've worked with a number of customers that in fact agree with this view and make this their standard practice.


  • 承认目前完全同意观点需要这个问题再加考虑。

    I confess that I do not entirely approve of your point of view at present. I'll need to think about it some more.


  • 好吧这个议题上,你可以同意可以跟在另一个观点Friedman是彻彻底底地败了

    Ok, we can argue about these things, and we can agree to disagree, but where he completely blew it was, I suspect, on the one topic are where he was absolutely certain he could not be wrong.


  • 来说,同意生命意义就是发现天赋生活目的充分利用这个观点

    As for me, I agree with the view that the meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to make the best of it.


  • 同意研究支持这个观点基本住房衣服食物得不到满足,发现很难感到快乐

    I think we can all agree, and research supports this view, that people whose basic needs for shelter, clothing and food are not met, will find it very difficult to feel happy.


  • 观点乔治的生涯表现更好这个同意的,这不是问题

    And your argument is that George has been better throughout his career, which, although I agree, isn't the question.


  • 如果这个学期末,还是不对这个特别观点见,那么顺其自然吧

    If you, at the end of the semester, haven't agreed with me about this particular claim or that particular claim, so be it.


  • 这个新闻评论更是让感动很多网友都认为最美的80女人也很同意这个观点

    I am more moved is the comment on the news, a lots of friends regards that she is: the most beautiful woman after the 80, I very much agree with this point of view.


  • 同意这个观点,下面一些观点理由

    I disagree with this statement and there are several reasons and instances as follows supporting my view.


  • 理论上同意观点如果这个条款或者类似没有保单的话,相应的问题

    I agree that theoretically you would have a problem with the BI claim if this clause or something similar had not been written into the policy.


  • 并不同意这个观点

    I didn't agree with that.


  • 另外目前30多岁时认为认识每个这个年龄都会同意睡眠快乐观点

    Plus, at this point in my 30s, I think every person my age I know would agree that sleep does make us happy.


  • 希望了解一下不列颠岛上传统菜肴后就同意这个观点

    I hope to persuade you of this, by looking at my five favourite traditional dishes from across the British Isles.


  • 这个房间里即使没有同意观点还是会相信治疗应该认为的那样。

    If there wasn't a single person in the room who agreed with me it is still what I believe the state of treatment should be.


  • Gershenfeld工程师通过大量整合并视觉化设计带来工具技术普通男女使用非常同意这个观点

    Gershenfeld says, ordinary girls and boys using the same tools and skills as engineers is bringing back individual expression in mass manufacturing. I truly agree in the similarity.


  • 胡峰-两点同意见:1同意这个纪录片观点-全球变暖不是人为因素造成的。

    Hu Feng - There is something wrong with: 1 Agreeing with the claims of the documentary - that global is not man-made, and that it is a 'swindle'.


  • 很多认为研究生是为了以后找工作更方便同意这个观点

    Many people have postgraduate education for the sake of future job-seeking convenience, well, I don't agree.


  • 很多认为研究生是为了以后找工作更方便同意这个观点

    Many people have postgraduate education for the sake of future job-seeking convenience, well, I don't agree.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定