Chapter 1 is the introductory part that expresses the necessity to do DTS and the purpose of the thesis.
Descriptive translation studies (DTS) has gradually replaced prescriptive translation studies which for quite a long time is the focus of translation studies and it has become a new trend.
Chapter 2 takes a historical review of the translation studies and makes comparative study of DTS and PTS to highlight the importance of DTS.
The paper argues that the theory of descriptive translation studies has extended the scope of translation studies by putting it into a larger social cultural background.
The booming of tourism in China calls for extensive research on the translation of tourist texts in general, and landscape descriptions in particular.
Owing to the excess of normal thinking, the current translating theories and researches are more effective in description than in interpretation.
Against the background of the transition in the field of translation from prescriptive to descriptive studies, the translators manipulation of the original work is but under constant test.
Corpus Linguistics has played a more and more important role in translation studies and translator education on different levels.
This thesis discusses the different translation strategies employed in the two English versions to deal with the Mahjong culture, namely, foreignization or domestication, or both.
The academia has made some important progress in the study of modern Chinese translation theories, but we still lack the research from the perspective of Descriptive Translation Studies(DTS).
The academia has made some important progress in the study of modern Chinese translation theories, but we still lack the research from the perspective of Descriptive Translation Studies(DTS).