They take food which they have brought with them into the vineyard and I am sorry to say leave the devil of a mess behind them.
Joe had balled up the business, but it was Jack who was blamed for the mess.
"We're not planning on doing it anytime in the near future because obviously, we don't want to mess up everything we've already fixed," he said.
Don't let your concern for your size, your weight or your body image rob you of life. Don't let it steal time away from those you love because you're so preoccupied with all that mess.
Undetected, he causes havoc in the painting session, confusion in the playground and problems at lunchtime. Rita cannot understand why her friend is too exhausted to play when they get home…
这个新房子,和她经手的其它房子一样,也被前房主搞得乱七八糟。 原因是他们因为房子被收回而恼怒不已。
The new house, like so many she deals with, was trashed by the previous owners, who were angry at being foreclosed on.
How would you feel if your friend came for a visit, trashed your place, and treated your family members like servants?
How would you feel if your friend came for a visit, trashed your place, and treated your family members like servants?