That may be because dark energy and dark matter, which together seem to make up 96 per cent of the universe's contents, might be a cosmic mirage.
Some researchers have started using it to explain away the twin cosmological mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.
That makes it hard to argue that dark matter and dark energy are not real and to explain them away by, for example, modifying Einstein's theory of gravity.
Without this data from the cosmic microwave background, we can still learn a whole lot about the Universe, including its age, the presence of dark matter and dark energy.
Another idea is that a connection between dark matter and dark energy would alter the growth of cosmic structures, which depends delicately on the composition of the universe, including its dark side.
If true this could mean that the ripples are significantly smaller, which could imply that dark matter and dark energy are not present after all.
This is to pin down dark matter and dark energy-the 95% of the universe the Standard Model doesn't explain.
Dark matter and dark energy, the sources of many current open questions in astrophysics, will figure in many space-based stories and some planet-based ones.
Unlike Plato and astrological cosmology, in the modern cosmological model, universe has no soul and spirit but the dark matter and dark energy.
Dark matter and dark energy has become one of the most important problems in modern science.
As if the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy weren't vexing enough, another baffling cosmic puzzle has been discovered.
To understand and investigate dark matter and dark energy pose the greatest challenges in modern physics. We Chinese must engage ourselves in these fields.
What exactly constitutes this dark matter and dark energy remains mysterious, but physicists have recently uncovered some more clues, about the former, at least.
Finally, the progresses and prospects in dark matter and dark energy studies in China are given.
Within the framework of general relativity, scientists have invented concepts called dark matter and dark energy, respectively, to deal with these problems.
Within the framework of general relativity, scientists have invented concepts called dark matter and dark energy, respectively, to deal with these problems.