• 这个世界沧海桑田我们已来到时光尽头

    When the seas and mountains fall, And we come, to end of days.


  • 很多时候忘记回头回头时,已经沧海桑田

    There are a lot of road, forget when you go back, when want to look back, has changed much.


  • 沧海桑田感情心底,舍不得忘记只是一天

    Things change and I feelings hidden in the bottom of my heart, reluctant to forget is love you every day.


  • 共度凡人的一生,也不愿一个看尽世界的沧海桑田

    You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.


  • 亲身经历遂宁十七沧海桑田十分有趣的事自豪

    Suining 17 years of personal experience and marshes , it is very interesting and makes me proud.


  • 回首如梦人生沧海桑田,时世变迁不变只有复一年四季更替

    Looking back on a dream of life, vibrant when the world changes, the same year after year, the only turnover of the four seasons.


  • 1月24最新英国社会态度调查更加明确地显示沧海桑田将要上演。

    And the most recent edition of the annual British Social Attitudes Survey, published on January 24th, provides further evidence that a more general sea-change may be taking place.


  • 沧海桑田,世事多变;金星公司来说,使顾客满意的宗旨将始终不渝。

    The future always brings change. But at Goldstar our formula for customer satisfaction remains consistent.


  • 时间可以改变良多事,所谓沧海桑田实在不外就是弹指挥间而已。

    Time can change many things or people, called the reality is nothing more than a pronto.


  • 沧海桑田物是人非如风流转如云变换恍如轨迹永无休止不知会停驻何方…

    The place changes and gose. like a wind, like clouds, like the traces of heart, no half at the places…


  • 不会意识自己经历了多少直到环顾四周才发现已是沧海桑田时过境迁

    You won't realize the distance you've walked until you take a look around and realize how far you've been.


  • 全球化,已经成为不容忽视的问题,而我们熟悉的一切早已变得沧海桑田

    Global warming: it has already become something one should not neglect, because things are noticeably not the same as they used to be.


  • 至于觉得人生经历真是沧海桑田我也只能祝福能过得好。

    And for my fourth brother, I think he has experienced a lot in life. I can only wish him well at this moment.


  • 弯弯的海港夜色深深灯火闪亮,东方之珠整夜未眠,沧海桑田变幻诺言

    But the month the curved harbor, the dim light of night deep lights glisten, the Pearl of the Orient has not slept all night, is defending the promise which the vicissitudes fluctuate.


  • 千百年来,斗转星移,沧海桑田多少语汇去,这个依然焕发着让怦然心动生命力

    For thousands of years, the passage of time, marshes, how many old vocabulary, the word is still glow with the vitality of people to resist.


  • 秋光么!一个个素淡的日子叠加起来殷实,晶莹沧海桑田瞬间凝固平静淡定。

    Autumn light! It was a quiet day together rich, crystal jade run. Is the moment of calm calm after solidification.


  • 审美目光越出西山之外社会,面对盛衰无常、变动不居的现实,也不禁沧海桑田

    When his aesthetic sight turns beyond his hometown to the rising and declining reality, he cannot help but feel the whirling of the time.


  • 时间过得很快一转眼就4过去了,也许时间不是但是发生的事却是沧海桑田梦一样

    Time flies, a twinkling of an eye on the 4 years have passed, perhaps time is not very long, but what happened is as vibrant as the dream.


  • 有开朗、有爱心女孩要是你的心那就一起走走,我给说点花前月下沧海桑田的事

    For cheerful, loving girl, if your in a good mood, then to walk with me, let me tell you point, vibrant thing.


  • 如果将1983年的成都2013年的成都作对比脑海只有一个可以形容,就是“沧海桑田”。

    Only one word comes to mind when I think about comparing Chengdu in 1983 and in 2013: unrecognizable.


  • 中国频频亮相《时代》封面世人展示的不仅仅中国沧海桑田我们提供了一面观察中国的镜子。

    These covers, while showcasing the phenomenal changes that China has gone through, also offered us an evolving perspective of China.


  • 去年Gourevitch先生过去10年里第一返回卢旺达时,发现那里已经经历沧海桑田变化

    When Mr Gourevitch went back to Rwanda last year for the first time in a decade, he found it had undergone a sea change.


  • 大峡谷令人向往,系大自然沧海桑田提供完整证据侵蚀力量令人不得不赞叹大自然的无穷伟力。

    Grand Canyon makes one yearn for that has provided the complete evidence in the nature vicissitudes, its corrosion's strength made one be able not but to acclaim the nature the infinite mighty force.


  • 尽管陨石落得满世界都是但他们大都沉入海底沧海桑田地势变迁掩埋,抑或被混淆地球上的岩石

    Although meteors fall all over the world, they usually just sink to the bottom of an ocean, are buried by shifting terrain, or are easily confused with terrestrial rocks.


  • 历史蜿蜒曲折岁月见证着日出日落沧海桑田曾经辉煌阵痛历史脉搏共同律动

    Meandering her history, every period of years have witnessed sunrise and sunset and marshes, each section has a history of glory and pain are related to the pulse of the common rhythm.


  • 琥珀最美瞬间凝结,任由沧海桑田世事轮回从此再无时间流淌痕迹纵然以后依旧年轻光鲜恍如隔世

    Amber, the most beautiful moments in the condensation, let gloomy, things cycle, since no traces of flowing time; even years later, still young and bright, sweet.


  • 都市中的招牌犹如一面多棱镜,通过我们可以看到五彩斑斓都市语言,看到社会沧海桑田变化感受扑面而来的厚重文化气息

    The shop signs in metropolises are just like a prism through which we can not only see the colorful metropolis language and big changes of the society but also feel the deep cultural atmosphere.


  • 都市中的招牌犹如一面多棱镜,通过我们可以看到五彩斑斓都市语言,看到社会沧海桑田变化感受扑面而来的厚重文化气息

    The shop signs in metropolises are just like a prism through which we can not only see the colorful metropolis language and big changes of the society but also feel the deep cultural atmosphere.


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