• 最近注意到什么变化没有?

    Have you observed any changes lately?


  • 人们特别注意深度睡眠时更加活跃

    It was specifically observed that the left side of the brain was more active during deep sleep.


  • 注意大家都在专注地望着

    I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention.


  • 令人惊奇的是,竟没有注意到

    Amazingly, no one noticed.


  • 注意到尓夫默默地旁。

    He noticed Rolfe standing silently over by the window.


  • 没有注意到特殊情况。

    He had noticed nothing untoward.


  • 注意到很多唾液滞留嘴里

    He noticed a lot of saliva settling in his mouth.


  • 托尼过于全神贯注工作没有注意到

    Tony didn't notice because he was too engrossed in his work.


  • 注意到眼睛下方有一些轻微眼袋

    He noticed some slight puffiness beneath her eyes.


  • 注意大部分学者那个暑期撰写论文

    I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer.


  • 工程师们注意管子并未预期的那样膨胀

    Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.


  • 当然了,出必然,酣之间人们没有注意

    Of course, in the nature of things, and with a lot of drinking going on, people failed to notice.


  • 稀稀疏疏一排观众注意到什么特别之处

    The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.


  • 肯定注意到公司已经发生了一些重大变化

    It will not have escaped your notice that there have been some major changes in the company.


  • 注意到幢新楼正在特克公园附近拔地而起。

    He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.


  • 斯蒂芬注意周围因为振奋起来。

    Stephen noticed that the people around him looked cheered by his presence.


  • 转过身来茶水了出来注意

    She swung around to him, spilling her tea without noticing it.


  • 港口员工们注意同一小船所给出尺寸经常不同

    Harbour staff noticed that measurements given for the same class of boats often varied.


  • 注意到一些小动作脑袋向下沉、肩膀的一抽动

    I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.


  • 放在桌上时,突然注意一张格雷斯笔迹的便条。

    As he laid the flowers on the table, his eye fell upon a note in Grace's handwriting.


  • 注意到后面蓝色福特车里的一个男人示意靠边停车。

    He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.


  • 从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上自然资源日益减少

    Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.


  • 注意睡衣潮流”了吗?

    Has anyone noticed the "pajama trend"?


  • 要不是希德永远不会注意到

    She'd never noticed if it hadn't been for Sid.


  • 注意到自己感觉轻松多了。

    He did notice that he felt a lot lighter.


  • 在看地图,没注意到

    I was checking the map and didn't notice it.


  • 甚至开始注意到树木和鸟类。

    He even began to notice trees and birds.


  • 是否注意自己很容易受挫伤

    Have you noticed that you bruise easily?


  • 机们并不总能注意到自行车。

    Drivers do not always notice bicycles.


  • 注意到伊芙琳和她妈妈站在门口。

    I noticed Evelyn and her mom standing by the door.


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