• 看起来喜欢成为大家注意的焦点

    It seems that she likes to be an attention getter.


  • 喜欢成为人们注意焦点

    She likes to be the centre of attention .


  • 月蚀经济各种人际关系放在注意的焦点下。

    The eclipse places economics and relationships of all types in the spotlight.


  • 穿上这些漂亮服装小狗成为街上人们注意焦点

    Dressed up in these pretty costumes, your little dog will be the center of attention on the streets.


  • 若用引人注目面料缝制,单穿成为人们注意的焦点

    It can also be a focal when sewn from a dramatic fabric and worn without the jacket.


  • 玛丽故意穿了件低领衣,因为知道这会使成为人们注意焦点

    Mary wore a low-cut dress by design because she knew it would make her the centre of attention.


  • 亚当非常了解感觉太多成为大家注意焦点

    Adam: I know exactly what you mean. She talks too much and always needs to be the center of attention.


  • 由于幸福作为决策中心要素,小国不丹一下子成为全世界注意焦点

    By giving well-being a central role in policymaking, the tiny Kingdom of Bhutan has staged a trial that has gripped the world.


  • 最后本文根据视觉注意的焦点建立了基于视觉注意的物体识别理论模型

    Finally, the paper set up an object recognition theoretical model that is based on human visual attention mechanism.


  • 海滨人们注意焦点那里停船场所有服务员照管各种各样的海上体育活动

    The beach is the focal point, where a team of boat-house attendants supervise a vast range of sea sports.


  • 皮耶罗已经帮助意大利夺取力神杯现在注意焦点球队的升级奉献自己的力量。

    Del Piero helped Italy lift the World Cup and his focus is now on fighting for the cause at the Stadio Delle Alpi.


  • 事实上一些情绪化自省式歌曲反而妨碍敬拜因为它们注意焦点转移自己感受

    In fact, some sentimental, introspective songs hinder worship because they take the spotlight off God and focus on our feelings.


  • 公开场合萨科奇先生不敢反对默克尔夫人,以防造成欧元的不稳定进而使法国成为大家注意的焦点

    Mr Sarkozy dare not disagree with Mrs Merkel in public, lest a row destabilises the euro and draws attention to France.


  • 哈克特认为如果此刻让加拉格尔继续执法英超赛事,那么将成为注意焦点损害本场比赛。

    Hackett believes that allowing Gallagher to take charge of the Premiership clash would mean he was the focus of attention, at the expense of the game itself.


  • 个真正幽默感不仅受人喜爱而且任何聚会上也往往人们注意焦点。这么说是道理的。

    It is reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked, but is often the focus of attention in any gathering.


  • 使舞台每个舞者表演区同时成为观众注意焦点,将观众的想象空间留给他们自己占有、去驰骋。

    It makes each dancer and performance section on the stage become a focal point for the audience, and leaves the audience to actively participate in the possession and seeking of imaginary space.


  • 是个很棒运动员同学很受欢迎生活充满了热忱无论走到哪里似乎大家注意焦点

    He is a good athlete, popular among his classmates, and embraces life with such gusto5 that wherever he is he seems to be the center of attention.


  • 是个很棒运动员同学很受欢迎生活充满了热忱无论走到哪里似乎大家注意的焦点

    He is a good athlete, popular among his classmates, and embraces life with such gusto8 that wherever he is he seems to be the center of attention.


  • 一旦你们懂得发生一切原因,那么最终期待的结果才是你们注意的焦点不是担心会以何种方式达成

    Once you understand the reasons for what is occurring, the outcome will be your focus rather than the manner in which it is achieved.


  • 演出使舞台上的每个舞者表演区同时成为观众注意焦点,将观众想象空间留给他们自己占有、去驰骋。

    The performance focuses the audience's attention on each dancer and each space on the floor, while still allowing each audience member's imagination the freedom to run wild.


  • 叙述者注意焦点很少放在想说明问题上,而是更多地放在不可名状的事件发生他们自己内心的活动上来。

    When an indescribable incident was happening, the narrators focused more attention on their heartfelt behaviour but less attention on the problems to be explained by them.


  • 这种跑步所选的小山要有一定的坡度阻力作的就是跑步的过程中控制速度保持稳定,把注意的焦点集中在坡度上。

    The hill will present resistance; your job is to run controlled and steady, focusing on form.


  • 同时公众注意的焦点转移2500名隧道工人身上,他们隧道贯穿上方山村Sedrun举行盛大的庆典宴会受到款待。

    But the spotlight will also fall on some 2,500 tunnel workers, many of whom will be feasted at a celebration just above the breakthrough point in the mountain village of Sedrun.


  • 同时公众注意焦点转移到2500名隧道工人身上,他们隧道贯穿上方山村Sedrun举行的盛大庆典宴会受到款待。

    But the spotlight will also fall on some 2, 500 tunnel workers, many of whom will be feasted at a celebration just above the breakthrough point in the mountain village of Sedrun.


  • 每次打开浏览器,你的头脑都必须这些杂音,你的注意焦点都得首先压制这些混乱

    Every time you open your web browser, your brain must filter out that noise. Your attention and focus have to push past this clutter.


  • 世界人口已经攀升到70亿的阶层,许多人注意焦点集中于印度。印度的人口20年内超越中国成为全世界人口最多国家

    As the world hits the 7 billion population mark, much attention is focused on India, which will surpass China to become the world's most populous country in less than two decades.


  • 但是作为人类我们能力选取其中某些因素作为注意焦点使我们意识到它们

    As humans, however, we are able to extract some of those factors and make them the focus of attention; that is, render them conscious.


  • 但是作为人类我们能力选取其中某些因素作为注意焦点使我们意识到它们

    As humans, however, we are able to extract some of those factors and make them the focus of attention; that is, render them conscious.


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