• 这个习惯追溯到一个专业人士劳动阶级泾渭分明的时代

    The practice goes back to a time when there was a clear distinction between professionals and laborers.


  • 是个复合式果岭,稍稍偏离球道而且分成泾渭分明段。

    The green complex runs slightly away from the fairway with two distinct levels running the length of this deep green.


  • 这种古老的“欢迎”似乎被一道泾渭分明的不爱就走人”的标识给取代了

    The old welcome-mat seems to have been replaced by a “Love it or leave itsign.


  • 传统媒体互联网泾渭分明界限逐渐消失交汇点二者信息提供者

    Traditional media and the Internet are entirely different boundaries are gradually disappearing, is the intersection of the two are information providers.


  • 另外意大利病人的例子佐证一个近年来呼声渐高的观念觉醒睡眠不是那么泾渭分明的

    What’s more, the Italian cases lend support to an idea that has been gathering steam in recent years: that wakefulness and sleep are not mutually exclusive.


  • 虽然权利之间不可能泾渭分明界限,可能有完整的权利位阶划分,但是基本价值仍然存在

    Although there is neither clear line between rights, nor integrated division of rights rank, fundamental value remains existing.


  • 可是机器便随着铁路进入到园圃之中,使世界变小的电报泾渭分明的道路、规划整齐的农场工业化农业

    But the machine quickly moved into the garden with the railway, the world-shrinking telegraph, grid-straight roads, farm boundaries and industrialised agriculture.


  • 二元互斥表现于动词,即动词 物性和不及物性泾渭分明的决定动词根本属性不是语义特征而是句法结 构。

    The boundary between transitive and intransitive verbs is clear-cut, as is determined by the syntactical structure instead of semantic values.


  • 特别丹麦学者比昂·伯格出版可疑环保主义者》一书以来,国际学术界环境问题评价形成了泾渭分明的两派。

    Especially, since Bjorn Lomborg, Denmark scholars, published the Skeptical Environmentalist, international academics on the evaluation of environmental problems have been entirely different.


  • 关于德国物理学家海森伯1941年出访哥本哈根一事,学界存在不同评价,大多数观点或可被或褒或贬的两个泾渭分明的阵营中。

    There were many remarks on Heisenberg's most controversial travel to Copenhagen in 1941, but most of them could be classified into two counteractive camps.


  • 我们知道,斯特拉福镇只有一个产业——威廉·莎士比亚,这里两个泾渭分明而且越来越敌对的群体。

    Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.


  • 可是日常抱怨挫折感之间之间的区别个偶尔犯错的的经理毫不称职的经理之间的差距一样泾渭分明

    But there's a difference between everyday griping and stressful frustration, just as there is a clear distinction between a manager with a few flaws and one who is incompetent.


  • 荷兰语(绿色法语红色)社交网络泾渭分明,之间只有一小撮布鲁塞尔用户联系.

    The Dutch-speaking (green) and French-speaking (red) communities are starkly divided, linked only by a smaller cluster representing users in Brussels.


  • 但是虽然这个假设逻辑性很强,实际上现实并非完全泾渭分明特别是移动领域

    But while there is an appealing logic to this premise, the reality just isn't that black and white, especially when it comes to the mobile arena.


  • 比利时语言分割变得如此的牢不可破,法语佛兰德语的社区彼此泾渭分明拒绝妥协

    In Belgium the linguistic division has become so firmly established that the French and Flemish-speaking communities have almost nothing to do with each other and refuse to compromise.


  • 人类基因图谱显示世界各地人种DNA连续并不错误假设的那样划分泾渭分明

    The map of the human genome has shown that the DNA of human populations across the globe is a continuum, not bluntly divided as had been erroneously supposed.


  • 长久以来人们分的泾渭分明——好人完美无缺坏人一无是处

    For a long time, people drew a clear line between good and evil - the good guys were perfect, while the evil guys were all nasty.


  • 点子之间并非泾渭分明创业成功公司大都类似于苹果不是Viaweb。

    There is no sharp line between the two types of ideas, but the most successful startups seem to be closer to the Apple type than the Viaweb type.


  • 早期物质方面的教育使我们从小就对对“你的我的东西或者具体一点,也就是金钱泾渭分明

    We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, "mine" or "yours".


  • 地质地球物理这两个地球科学分支差别并不泾渭分明

    The distinction between geophysical and geological branches of earth science is not clear-cut.


  • 显然妖星演化地球层阶真正地球人相比泾渭分明可是面对这些雕像看见同类感觉

    Obviously MS people have evolved to the class of Earth level, but still entirely different than the real Earth human, but facing these statues, I have feeling to see the same kind of me.


  • 但是修炼严肃性上讲,就要泾渭分明了!

    But, on the solemnness of cultivation, that means to be entirely different!


  • 地质地球物理这两个地球科学分支差别并不泾渭分明

    The distinction between geophysical and geological branches of earth science is not clear - cut.


  • 还是孩子时候世界如同母亲讲的故事一般,对如此的泾渭分明

    As a child, I feel the world is like my mothers stories, when the line between the right and wrong is always stream clearly.


  • 实际上逻辑真理事实真理并非泾渭分明,二者的区别不是绝对的。

    In fact, the logical truth and the factual truth are not entirely different, and the difference between them is not absolute.


  • 人群泾渭分明因为人们公认标杆凭经验衡量个是否有价值还是毫无价值

    The two different groups of people are poles or worlds apart in that they are measured or gauged valuable or insignificant with a well-accepted yardstick or by rule of thumb.


  • 人群泾渭分明因为人们公认标杆凭经验衡量个是否有价值还是毫无价值

    The two different groups of people are poles or worlds apart in that they are measured or gauged valuable or insignificant with a well-accepted yardstick or by rule of thumb.


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