• 这个消息消除一切有关公司未来的疑虑。

    The news removed any doubts about the company's future.


  • 两个团体正在学会如何消除它们之间的分歧

    The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences.


  • 风险可能完全消除可以通过防范培训来降低。

    You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.


  • 我们致电3位经济学家咨询消除赤字的方法,他们满足了我们的要求,给出了非常直接的答复

    We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.


  • 我们偏见可以通过实验消除

    Our biases could be eliminated through experiments.


  • 彻底清洗消除肥皂所有痕迹

    Rinse very thoroughly to remove all traces of the soap.


  • 应该禁止人们使用塑料袋消除白色污染

    People should be prohibited from using plastic bags to eliminate white pollution.


  • 个巨大挫折没有消除不安

    The other great frustration is that it has not eliminated insecurity.


  • 正确的选择消除沟通周期可能出现故障

    Proper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle.


  • 正确的选择消除沟通周期可能出现故障

    Proper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle.


  • 警察迅速采取行动消除谣言

    The police moved quickly to dispel the rumours.


  • 他们试图消除他们之间的分歧

    They tried to mend their differences.


  • 消除君主制神秘感

    His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy.


  • 总统努力消除未来经济悲观估测

    The president has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy.


  • 其所消除妻子各种恐惧

    He did what he could to allay his wife's myriad fears.


  • 全球化为了经济发展国界消除

    Globalization is the erasure of national borders for economic purposes.


  • 总统试图消除忽视经济想法。

    The president is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.


  • 伦纳德带着令人消除怒气微笑走近了

    Leonard approached with a disarming smile.


  • 最新数据应该可以消除通货膨胀担忧

    The latest figures should neutralize the fears of inflation.


  • 温和的态度甜蜜的语调消除安德鲁的疑虑。

    His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew.


  • 通过戒烟就是消除吸烟所致大多数危害

    By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused.


  • 必须设法消除造成两个团体不和恐惧敌意

    Attempts must be made to break down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities.


  • 假如发生争执打扫厨房的确消除沮丧。

    Cleaning my kitchen really works off frustration if I've had a fight with someone.


  • 政府努力消除日益临近石油危机而带来的恐惧

    The government is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis.


  • 假期第一天晚上睡觉来消除飞行时差反应是个主意

    It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.


  • 拖延战术。他尽可能地拖下去,直到压力消除为止。

    He's playing a waiting game. He'll hang on as long as possible until the pressure is off.


  • 我们这样组织致力于消除同性恋憎恶种族歧视性别歧视。

    Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism.


  • 该会有助于消除文盲疾病打乱一种传统生活方式

    It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life.


  • 宪法支持者们不得不消除人们对贵族阴谋窃取革命成果恐惧

    Supporters of the constitution had to quieten fears that aristocrats plotted to steal the fruits of the revolution.


  • 可能好看这种情况无害并且经常的洗头通常可以消除它。

    Although it may look unpleasant, this condition is harmless and usually clears up with regular shampooing.


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