• 介绍了焦化工业废水生物氮机理、工艺调试过程,总结该工艺的关键技术控制措施及生产注意事项

    The artical introduces the theory, the process and the adjustment of biology denitrification about coking industrial waste production matters must to be noted.


  • 文章介绍了紧密纺高强光洁的纺纱工艺流程讨论了各工序的工艺参数,以及所采取的工艺措施生产注意事项

    The technological processes to spin compact yarn are introduced. Moreover, the technological parameters, measures and points for attention about production are discussed.


  • 文章介绍了洋梨醋生产工艺流程操作要点有关注意事项

    The manufacturing process, operation essentials and attentions concerned with the drink are reviewed in the article.


  • 介绍了环烷盐类种类,其应用生产以及生产盐类注意事项

    The kind, application and production of naphthenates were described, including the attention points for producing naphthenates.


  • RMS-7回潮控制原理进行了分析根据生产实践提出了使用过程中的注意事项

    The paper analysed the principle of RMS-7 fibre moisture regain tester and put forward the points for attention in operating according to the productive practising.


  • 介绍泡器使用原理及我公司鼓泡器窑炉中的布置,阐述了鼓泡器在实际生产中应用效果注意事项

    The principle of the bubbler was briefly described , the arrangement and the effect of the bubblers were illustrated in detail , some matters requiring attention were also proposed .


  • 介绍了多起氯气液化泄漏事故处理情况,提出了日常生产防止液化器泄漏注意事项

    Some accident of chlorine liquefaction leakage and the treatment methods were introduced, and the notes to prevent liquid leakage at daily production was proposed.


  • 结合工厂多年生产经验,对于砂性能、负压结构以及负压浇注过程中的注意事项提出明确的要求。

    The requests for dry-sand, vibrating table, structure of negative pressure sanrl box and proceedings to be noticed in casting pro-cesss have been put forward definitely.


  • 产品生产全过程应有操作指导书指导操作指导书应文字图片相结合描述操作规程注意事项质量标准

    Production process should be operational by guide book guide, operation guide book shall be in writing in pictures combined description code, and pay attention items and quality standards.


  • 文章通过煤矸石烧结多孔生产线生产实践,介绍了煤矸石烧结多孔砖的生产工艺及其注意事项

    This article has introduced the agglutinating technique of porous bricks with coal gangues and things should be noted from practical production.


  • 主要介绍橡胶衬里性能,以及湿法磷酸生产装置中,橡胶衬里的设计施工注意事项

    Introduces characteristics of rubber liner and the precautions for design and construction of the rubber liner in wet process phosphate production plant.


  • 本文结合生产实际阐述水器固定支架点焊原理工作过程以及影响焊接品质因素,提出了焊接的工艺参数、注意事项实用的检验方法。

    Combined with the producing practice, this paper introduces its working principle and process of the spot welding of wiper fixed bracket and the factors influencing the welding quality.


  • 结合气动执行机构及其附件实际生产过程中出现类问题提出相应解决措施强调了有关注意事项

    Aimed at several problems occurred to the pneumatic device and its attachments in the actual production, this paper presents corresponding solutions, emphasizing on some attentions related.


  • 介绍玉米原料生产小曲白酒工艺方法,详细介绍了原料配比粮食糊化、培发酵蒸馏工序的工艺操作方法及注意事项

    The production techniques of Xiaoqu liquor by corn were introduced in details including the proportioning of raw materials, grains gelatinization, bacteria culture, fermentation and distillation etc.


  • 面料生产中的注意事项做了简要说明。

    At last, matters that need to pay attention to in the production of the fabrics are discussed.


  • 介绍方巾布圆防染印花生产条件工艺流程处方印花工序中的注意事项

    Production conditions, process flow, recipes and remarks of resist printing of cotton square scarf with rotary screen are discussed.


  • 介绍了复建筑涂料研制生产原材料特点以及胶粉不同掺对复层涂料性能影响;讨论了施工过程中的注意事项

    The development, production process, features of raw materials and the influence of the amount of powder adhesive on the performance of multi-layer coating system are introduced.


  • 对成衣涂料染色工艺进行探讨,确定了适合于大批量生产基本生产工艺,并就生产中需注意事项进行了说明

    Garment dyeing process with pigment is discussed. The manufacturing process suitable for bulk production is settled and their points for attention are also described.


  • 黄牛全面鞋生产工艺质量要求生产过程中的注意事项进行了讨论总结

    The procedure, quality requirements and cautionary items during manufacturing vegetable-tanned cattle skin full grain shoe upper leather were discussed and summarized in this paper.


  • 介绍废纸原料生产新闻纸生产线工程设计时有关工艺技术、设备选型以及安装等过程中的注意事项

    The paper introduces the matters in the engineering design and installation of the deinking pulp production line for newsprint with waste paper as raw material.


  • 介绍了PV C装饰板生产工艺流程、模具原料配方生产控制要点装配注意事项

    The processing technology flowsheet, mould, material formulation, key points of control, installation, and points for attention of PVC sheet were introduced.


  • 介绍目前生产高质量聚乙烯粉末涂料先进工艺其中包括原材料设备选择具体实施过程有关注意事项

    The advanced producing process of high-quality polyethylene powder paint included the selection of materials and equipments, concrete operation sequences and points for attention was introduced.


  • 介绍了“911”聚氨酯防水涂料主要成分成膜原理生产要点选购注意事项

    The article introduces "911" polyurethane waterproofing coatings, including main ingredients, film-forming mechanism, key points for production as well as how to choose and buy.


  • 介绍网印花机上进行活性染料金粉共同印花时金粉浆配制注意事项以及印花生产过程中对花版的制备活性染料色浆性能等要求。

    The preparation of copper powder paste and stencil as well as the property of reactive paste during alongside printing with reactive and copper powder on flat screen printing were introduced.


  • 改善粉末涂料流态化质量出发,粉末颗粒生产提出要求,介绍了流化床设计中的注意事项

    For improving fluidization quality of powder coatings, the proper powder grainess is required. Notices in designing of the fluidized bed are given.


  • 文章介绍丝光牛仔布用丝光染色上浆理论生产实践及其注意事项、成本核算等。

    The contributing point to the production of mercerized jeans are theoretically and practically presented, including yarn type, mercerization, dyeing and sizing.


  • 分析了三合一尾气系统屡次发生爆炸原因采取的处理措施指出了三合一炉生产中的安全注意事项

    Reasons for repeated explosion of tail gas system for triad furnace are analyzed, and its treatment measures are discussed. Safety points for attention in operating triad furnace are pointed out.


  • 焦化生产工艺流程为主线索,介绍了焦化厂生产环节所需采取防雷静电措施对焦化厂进行防雷检测时的注意事项

    Cluing with the production process, measures of lightning and static electricity protection for every production chain and checking attentions in coking plant are introduced.


  • 焦化生产工艺流程为主线索,介绍了焦化厂生产环节所需采取防雷静电措施对焦化厂进行防雷检测时的注意事项

    Cluing with the production process, measures of lightning and static electricity protection for every production chain and checking attentions in coking plant are introduced.


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