• 拖延多年中国颁发3G牌照究竟是为什么

    After years of delay, China has yet to award 3g mobile licences. Why?


  • 究竟为什么洗衣机过滤器中收集起来绒线呈现出来不变灰色

    Why, then, does the lint that collects in the lint tray always come out the same color-a bland gray?


  • 你们出去究竟是为什么先知么。告诉你们的,他先知大多了。

    But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.


  • 你们出去究竟是为什么先知麽。告诉你们,的,他先知大多了。

    Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.


  • 或者围绕座被奉为经典雕塑了一圈,试图弄清大惊小怪究竟为什么

    Or walked around a sculpture renowned as a classic, struggling to see what the fuss is about? 2015.6.


  • 以下如何运作——开始之前无论如何应该有助于Linux内核究竟是为什么

    Here's how it works -but before we begin, just why should you contribute to the Linux kernel anyway?


  • 没有知道究竟为什么:在一论点提出之前大家都以为爆炸之后宇宙膨胀渐渐慢下来

    No one knows why this should be: until that point, everyone assumed the universe's expansion would be slowing down after the big bang.


  • 究竟是为什么要把马栓走廊里呢?”托米。就托米所知道的,所有应该马厩里的。

    "Why on earth do you keep your horse on the veranda?" asks Tommy. All the horses he knows live in stables.


  • 前往加油站路上托德好奇这么了,我们还要妈妈的汽车加油究竟是为什么呢?。

    On the way to the gas stATion, Todd asked me to explain why in the world we were going to get my mom gas so lATe AT night.


  • 没有知道究竟为什么:在一论点提出之前大家都以为爆炸之后宇宙膨胀渐渐慢下来

    No one knows why this should be: until that point, everyone assumed the universe's expansion would be slowing down after the big bang .


  • 解释说看到发生什么事。有人炸伤了,有的被炸死。究竟为什么呢?这儿没有美国人,没有伊拉克士兵

    "You can see what happened. People were wounded and people died, but what is the point? There were no Americans, here, no Iraqi soldiers," he said.


  • 奇怪的喜鹊就地取材八九级我们材料广告牌遇七八级风就开始砸究竟是为什么

    It is surprising that gales are unable to blow magpie nests out of the trees, but the billboards people make with new materials fall down in strong winds and hit cars on the street.


  • 没有人知道这究竟为什么可能由于努力成为团队球员,可能由于他踢球太过无私效力球队考虑太多。

    Just why, nobody ever figured out.He tried, maybe too hard, to be a team player.He worked, maybe too unselfishly, and he cared too obviously for the team on which he played.


  • 没有人知道究竟是为什么可能由于努力成为一名团队球员,可能由于他踢球太过无私所效力球队考虑太多

    Just why, nobody ever figured out. He tried, maybe too hard, to be a team player. He worked, maybe too unselfishly, and he cared too obviously for the team on which he played.


  • 没有人知道究竟是为什么可能由于努力成为团队球员,可能由于他踢球太过无私他所效力的球队考虑太多。

    He worked, maybe too unselfishly, and he cared too obviously for the team on which he played.


  • 解释了为什么他们故事如此着迷,也回答那些药物对人们长期影响究竟什么的问题。

    It explains why I was so fascinated with their story and the questioning of what is the long-term impact of these drugs.


  • 的确有关当下伯利恒谜团之一并非为什么许多感到不满,这个地方究竟是怎么保全的。

    Indeed, one of the mysteries about contemporary Bethlehem is not why many people are discontented, but how the place survives at all.


  • 因此我们扪心自问为什么克隆技术如此着迷之前不得不首先审视自己心灵一问:究竟是什么东西使得我们中的许多人对于尝试复制与自身基因完全等同的孪生兄弟那么不安?

    So before we can ask why we are so fascinated by cloning, we have to examine our souls and ask, What exactly so bothers many of us about trying to make an exact copy of our genetic selves?


  • 自认为一个懂得逻辑思考希冀可以似曾相识神秘中找出一些逻辑来。我决心搞清楚“似曾相识”究竟什么以及为什么我们产生影响。

    I consider myself a logical person, and in hopes of casting some logic on the mystery of deja vu, I set out to decode what exactly it is and why it affects us.


  • 为什么月球内部发现确实我们试图找出地球月球究竟怎样真正联系这个谜团一个关键所在

    This is why the discovery of water in the interior of the moon is really a critical piece of the puzzle to try and figure out how the Earth and the moon are really linked.


  • 就这样科学家们经常会产生一种上帝情结知道为什么他们了解他们坚信正确理论不论究竟什么理论。

    Thus, scientists often develop a God complex: they somehow know that whatever theories they hold must be true. They also believe that they can accurately assess the significance of the work of others.


  • 经常会听到绿色计算绿色计算究竟什么呢?为什么如此重要

    You hear a lot about green computing, but what exactly is it, why is it important, and what is IBM's involvement in green computing?


  • 就这样科学家们经常会产生一种上帝情结:也不知道为什么他们了解他们坚信正确理论不论究竟是什么理论。

    Thus, scientists often develop a God complex: they somehow know that whatever theories they hold must be true.


  • 本文试图通过对这个命题解读分析霍姆斯为什么“反逻辑”,反对究竟什么逻辑法律中的作用局限性的认识。

    This article attempted to offer an interpretation of the proposition to analyse why Holmes anti-logic, what he actually against, and advanced his argument on the function and limit of law.


  • 秘书:(凳子上转过身)究竟什么—有人敲门,()进来啊,为什么呢。

    Secretary: (turning around on his stool) What the devil is that - someone knocking? (shouts) Come in, why don't you?


  • 为什么非得自己邻居同住一城的居民相隔绝,一切究竟是什么时候开始主宰我们生活的?

    Why are we having to barricade ourselves against our neighbors and fellow citizens, and when, exactly, did this start to take over our lives?


  • 他们知道为什么战争,他们也不明白死亡究竟什么炮火轰炸摧残,他们这个世界只有恐惧

    They did not know why has the war, they did not understand that actually dies is anything, at the fire and under bombing devastation, they only fears to this world.


  • 他们知道为什么战争,他们也不明白死亡究竟什么炮火轰炸摧残,他们这个世界只有恐惧

    They did not know why has the war, they did not understand that actually dies is anything, at the fire and under bombing devastation, they only fears to this world.


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