He had been such a wise guy that all of us felt he deserved his punishment.
Hast thou seen a man wise in his own conceit? There shall be more hope of a fool than of him.
A person regarded as being disagreeably egotistical and self - assured.
That theme is don't get clever, all the cleverness you'll ever need has been put into really, really fast indexing and searching.
Western countries have not learned the lesson. They have complacently cut back on the work done in universities and international institutions.
But he is not the archetype in this book, and is there any "Royal historian" think himself clever like Teabing?
The ass waggeth his ears. This proverb is applied to those who lack learning, and yet talk as if they were very wise;
Only if you do the extra and harmful thing to it, the harmony between you and nature will be hurt.
Like all of his friends, he considered it a compliment when somebody called him a wiseass.
In addition to Jem's newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.
It's always nice when a smarty pants scientist "discovers" an explanation to some frustrating or bizarre toddler behavior.
When I do something without being told, I am trying to be smart, When my boss does the same, he takes the initiative.
Avoid cute or clever names, marketing-induced names, company-specific names, and unfamiliar technical names.
We will not make predictions that are very long in comparison either to the partial query or to the other predictions for that partial query. This is already our practice in English.
When the audience laughed at the scene when Linklater continued to stare at the reel right and left, the children want to see that he is not fancy.
Sometimes you can ask yourself, "can I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think it is?"
When the audience laughed at the scene when the, Linklater continued attention to this child, he was not a smart Aleck like to see the guy.
This is where I say something that a smart-alec at a party would no doubt disagree with, and then I triumph by having data to back it up.
In the realm of consciousness, we are totally foolish, as far as understanding Qi is concerned. We don't flatter ourselves to change or invent the movements of Yoga.
But don't be too clever. Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing.
作为世界上最负盛名的大提琴家,他并不自称为马友友,或马先生,甚至是友马马(假若你自作聪明) 。
The world's most celebrated cellist introduces himself not as Yo-Yo, or Mr. Ma, or even Yo Mama (as you might expect from a wisenheimer).
You know, don't You, that there are those who will call this entire book a blasphemy. Especially if You keep showing up as such a wise guy.
This is not our English word climbing although it only emphasizes my claim that these guys were smart-alecks making a pun like that.
这是个全新的模式。所有认为自己能预测t witter未来的人恐怕都是自作聪明——还比不上那69%呢。
That's a new paradigm and anyone who thinks they can predict its future may be a bigger fool than the 69% of people who admitted they couldn't.
这是个全新的模式。所有认为自己能预测t witter未来的人恐怕都是自作聪明——还比不上那69%呢。
That's a new paradigm and anyone who thinks they can predict its future may be a bigger fool than the 69% of people who admitted they couldn't.