Since that seemingly spontaneous burst of creativity, changes in the look of the logo have become as regular as Pink's hair color changes.
于是突然间我们想到个现成的社会心理学实验课题:这种无意识形成的社会规则(自发社会秩序,spontaneous social order)有多脆弱?人们会为维护规则做什么呢?
Suddenly we have a social psychology experiment on our hands: how fragile is this spontaneous social order and what will people do to protect it?
An earworm is simply another term for involuntary musical imagery, the spontaneous recall and repeating of a song in one's mind.
The seemingly voluntary goodbye initiative, however, is more than a spontaneous feeling as tides of a huge commercial market patiently await the NBA legend.
The seemingly voluntary goodbye initiative, however, is more than a spontaneous feeling as tides of a huge commercial market patiently await the NBA legend.