• 其实就是一条原则,遵循这个原则并通过自我意识提高你就运用一些简单有效措施来改善自己生活得到想要的东西

    And what is it? It is a principle where you apply some simple and effective strategies through vision-improvement so that you can. In your life, get the results you want.


  • 双子那种充足繁忙生活天蝎有些不同,天蝎注重自我意识提高

    Gemini is the type who tries to live a full, busy life but not so with Scorpio, as Scorpio is more centered on the idea of self improvement.


  • 我们日常生活一定要增强自我消防保护意识提高保护能力自己危难受到伤害。

    In our daily life, must strengthen the fire protection consciousness of self, improve the protection ability, is himself in a crisis can not be hurt.


  • 戏剧性第一次胜利激发提高积极性,改变自我意识真的不行”变“我真是天生高手”。

    But a dramatic first triumph can inspire and motivate you and transform your self-conception from "I'm a loser" to "I'm the kind of person who hits grand slams."


  • 允许了你们可以通过意识成长水平提高来觉知你们真实自我

    It enabled you to grow in consciousness to levels that awakened you to your true selves.


  • 因此提高加强自我保护意识必须的

    As a result, to enhance and strengthen their self-protection awareness is indispensable.


  • 结论:必需加强艾滋病防范意识宣传教育,把增强男性责任、提高女性自我保护能力行为干预结合起来。

    In females, the consciousness of self-protection was weak, and the capacity and ability to enhance self-protection are lacking.


  • 使不断提高自我保护意识从而,使消费者合法权益切实得到保护

    Make its raise ego to protect consciousness ceaselessly, thereby, make the legitimate rights and interests of consumer cogent get protective.


  • 医务人员必须加大医患之间交流与合作,培养病人提高自我管理意识采取有效措施共同控制高血压病

    The medical workers should strengthen the communication between doctors and patients, train patients to increase self-management awareness, and take effective measures to control hypertension.


  • 结论同伴教育适用外语专业大学生提高了她们的知识自我保护意识近期、中期效果明显

    Conclusion This study indicates that peer education is suitable for female students from cities in foreign language university and had good immediate and medial-term effectiveness.


  • 理解这种微妙的差别,会使你更加意识自我提高的需要。

    Understanding such subtle nuanced brings about greater awareness in self-improvement.


  • 结论农民处方药物认知仍有很多空白,必要农民这一特殊群体实行有效干预措施提高农民的健康意识自我药疗水平。

    Conclusion: the farmers lack the knowledge of OTC so some effective interfering measures are needed to enhance their health consciousness and self - medication knowledge.


  • 结论合肥市儿童铅中毒发生率低。需要加强防护工作宣传教育提高群众自我保护意识

    Conclusions Although lead poisoning rate of the children was low in Hefei, health education for lead prevention should be strengthened in order to improve public awareness on lead protection.


  • 目的探讨针对敬老院老年人行之有效骨质疏松症护理干预模式疗效提高中老年人的骨健康意识自我保健能力

    Objective to explore the effect of nursing intervention mode on osteoporosis of elderly in geracomium, to improve their awareness of bone health and capability of self health care.


  • 培养自制力要从提高自我意识树立正确学习动机培养超前认识”三方面入手。

    Training self-control can be started with improving self-consciousness, setting up right study motive, and developing forerunning ideas.


  • 目的提高病人自我保健意识自我护理能力积极控制疾病减少消除危险因素

    Objective to enhance the patients' self-hygiene consciousness and self-nursing ability, and control the illness actively and diminish or eliminate related dangerous factors.


  • 为了提高老年人生活质量,要加强慢性病防治,对老年人进行健康教育,增强自我保健意识

    In order to improve the life quality for the elderly, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, health education to enhance awareness of self-health care among the elderly are essential.


  • 这些研究主要包括自我不一致自我意识自我觉察以及自我提高自我保护方式理论探讨与实证研究。

    The approaches involve mainly the theories and experimental researches of self discrepancy, self consciousness, self awareness, self enhancement and self defense.


  • 结论大力普及健康教育强化自我保健意识加强慢性病防治有利于提高老年人的健康水平。

    Conclusion: to popularize the health education, emphasize self-care consciousness and to enhance the precaution of chronic disease may be beneficial to improving the health level of the aged.


  • 结果健康教育增强患者自我保健意识治疗信心提高生存质量

    Results Healthy education can enhance diabetics' consciousness of health maintenance and confidence of treatment, can improve diabetics' living quality too.


  • 完成目标给你带来成就感快速的自我意识提高

    The accomplishment brings about a satisfying feeling and an immediate ego enhancement.


  • 教师自我更新能力教师实现教学目的,自我更新意识内在驱动下,不断改变原有知识观念转变角色提高教学能力

    Self-renewal capability can be seen as a set of self-renewal capabilities such as the role transition, changes in original concept and knowledge to improve teaching efficiency.


  • 生产力提高、人们自我意识加强,促使越来越多类似彩铃自我符号性商品涌市场

    With the improvement of living and the strengthening of consumers self-realization, more and more self-symbol-product, such as CRBT(Color Ring Back Tone), well up in market.


  • 平时教学中,我们只要有意识进行自我调节学习循环模式训练,就可以提高学生的自主学习能力

    This article insists that the students' ability of autonomous learning can be improved by the self-regulated learning cyclic model training.


  • 结果健康教育增强患者自我保健意识治疗信心提高生存质量

    Results Healthy education can enhance diabetics consciousness of health maintenance and confidence of treatment, can improve...


  • 结果健康教育明显提高护士预防针刺伤知识水平,使导致各种刺伤的不良行为明显减少,而且提高了护士的自我保护意识

    Results After the health education, all the nurses improved the knowledge on prevention of needle injury and reduced various bad behavior to induce needle injury.


  • 结果健康教育明显提高护士预防针刺伤知识水平,使导致各种刺伤的不良行为明显减少,而且提高了护士的自我保护意识

    Results After the health education, all the nurses improved the knowledge on prevention of needle injury and reduced various bad behavior to induce needle injury.


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