这些发现在《自然-地球科学》(Nature Geosicience)有详细描述
The team, led by David Wacey of the University of Western Australia, report the finding in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The team conclude in the journal Nature Geoscience that those natural sinks are becoming less efficient, absorbing 55% of the carbon now, compared with 60% half a century ago.
Until now. A paper published last week in Nature Geoscience reports the results of recent work using neutrino detectors to quantify the radiogenic production of heat.
The report's findings, raising the profile of peat, contrast with the conclusions of a paper on deforestation published this week in Nature Geoscience.
The M. I. T. team now thinks they have the answers, which they report in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The findings have been published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Writing in the journal Nature Geoscience in January, the team warned that the danger of a quake greater than magnitude 8.5 remained along the segment under Padang.
That seems to very much be the case, according to a paper published in Nature Geoscience.
A team of researchers from the University of Nevada recently developed a model for how the gold deposits formed. Their research was published online in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Their findings were recently published in Nature Geoscience.
This caused up to 27 per cent of ocean life being destroyed, according to a report published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
However, the report's findings contrast with the conclusions of a paper on deforestation also published this week in Nature Geoscience.
该研究小组的研究成果于7月3日在英国科学杂志《自然—地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)网络版发表。
The team's findings were published in the online version of British science magazine Nature Geoscience on July 3.
Those findings will be published today (Nov. 15) in the journal Nature Geoscience.
其中一个在7月11日发布在《自然地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)上,根据历年记录的变化数据和气候模型模拟出近50年来的海平面变化,以此预测未来的海平面变化规律。
One, published July 11 in Nature Geoscience predicts future patterns of sea-level rise using a combination of recorded changes and climate modeling to simulate the last 50 years of change.
The endless natural profound mystery and abundant philosophy concept inside geoscience make earth science culture broad and deep, and has its own colors in all science cultures.
As Earth Scientists, we all well appreciate the need to better understand the causes of natural hazards.
但是这周一篇发表于自然地球科学(Nature Geoscience)上的文章首次将两者联系起来。
But this week saw the publication, in a paper in Nature Geoscience, of the first evidence linking the two.
Scientists have discovered a link between increased lightning and the strongest winds in hurricanes, a study reports online this week in the British journal Nature Geoscience.
Scientists have discovered a link between increased lightning and the strongest winds in hurricanes, a study reports online this week in the British journal Nature Geoscience.