• 一个密尔沃基来家伙一起工作

    I was working with a guy from Milwaukee.


  • 迪多长得离奇相似

    She bears an uncanny resemblance to Dido.


  • 人人知道老板睡觉

    Everyone knows she sleeps with the boss.


  • 一直瘾君子其他不良分子混在一起

    He's been mixing with drug addicts and other undesirables.


  • 门口,徒然地等着自己打招呼

    He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.


  • 从医的大忌:我病人有了感情纠葛

    I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients.


  • 一位业主老相识交谈了几

    He exchanged a few words with the proprietor, an old acquaintance of his.


  • 宁可其他学生合住,也不愿父母家里。

    She'd sooner share a house with other students than live at home with her parents.


  • 值班警官能否县治安官阿德金斯谈话

    Robyn asked the deputy on duty if she could speak with Sheriff Adkins.


  • 幕后帕森几乎每个参与演出人都产生过矛盾。

    Behind the scenes, Parsons clashed with almost everyone on the show.


  • 腻烦父母了,所以正在一个属于自己住处

    I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own.


  • 喜欢客户们有社交往来这会影响职业客观性

    She did not care for the idea of socializing with her clients. It would detract from her professional detachment.


  • 学校采用结伴每个新生一较大学生结伴以获得照顾。

    The school uses a buddy system to pair newcomers with older students.


  • 那些卖淫赌博贩毒有关的罪犯判罪驱逐出境。

    He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.


  • eat之后某种食物所以可能Ieatsky

    'Eat' has the selectional restriction that it must be followed by a kind of food, so 'I eat sky' is not possible.


  • 女孩讲话几乎说不出来,好不容易出来了,又都是些胡言乱语。

    When he was talking to a girl he could hardly speak, and when he did speak he talked gibberish.


  • 当然帮哥们在一起,你却在谈论女人,你不是政治上正确了。

    Certainly, when you're with a group of guys and you're talking about women, you're not PC.


  • 河马以及大象一起游泳

    She swims with the hippos and the elephants.


  • 想象一点关系也没有!

    Imagination hath nought to do with it!


  • 这些问题哲学有关

    All these questions relate to philosophy.


  • 已经建筑商谈过。

    I've spoken to the builders.


  • 黄瓜茄子争论着

    The cucumber and eggplant kept arguing.


  • 声音变得粗俗伦敦佬差不多

    He had coarsened his voice to an approximation of Cockney.


  • 所有年轻人一样急于从家里出去。

    Like all youngsters, he's straining at the leash to leave home.


  • 失业率上升相对生产率持续提高。

    The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.


  • 我们默默无语,一个一个地回到座位上。

    We all filed back to our seats in silence.


  • 没有几个产品品牌形象李维斯的相提并论

    Few products have brand images anywhere near as strong as Levi's.


  • 了,”马克斯厉声说。“不会熊斗着玩儿吧。”

    "Don't be stupid," Max snapped. "You don't want to go messing around with bears."


  • 拥有本季抢手普拉达鱼嘴古琦女鞋时尚的。

    Having this season's hot Prada pumps or Gucci slingbacks is de rigueur.


  • 已经100多个买主投资者接洽过,不过人愿意接受。

    Over 100 buyers or investors were approached, but there were no takers.


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