• 本文主要集中注意力海明威象征运用

    The thesis mainly focuses on Hemingway "s use of symbolism."


  • 一练习有助运动员集中注意力于划水动作上。

    This drill helps seimmers focus on stroking correctly while ring jrst one arm at a time.


  • 集中注意力于顾客现金不是花精力来担心竞争对手

    Focus on customers and cash flow rather than worrying about competitors.


  • 我们尽可能努力精简界面以便可以集中注意力于朋友同事的会话。

    We also stripped out as much as possible so you can focus on communicating with your friends and colleagues.


  • 辩称中央银行只有集中注意力于通胀最好是有目标的情况下才能运行最佳

    He argued that central Banks performed best by concentrating solely on inflation, preferably with a target.


  • 集中注意力本土任务使北约欧洲人更有意义,并且最终提高境外行动的支持

    Focusing on home missions, he says, would make NATO relevant to Europeans, and ultimately boost support for away missions.


  • 指出公司这么大影响原因,其他们集中注意力提高他们的权力利润

    He also argues that the main reason why corporations have much influence is because they focus on enhancing the power and profits.


  • 就是说阶段情侣们一心一意集中注意力于他们关系,也就很少再关注其他的事情。

    In other words, couples in this stage of love focus intently on the relationship and often on little else.


  • 要求学生闭上眼睛集中注意力于他们选择物体并用身体表现这个物体是怎样的。

    Students are then asked to close their eyes, concentrate on the object they have chosen, and use their body to show what the object feels like.


  • 预防性健康护理计划政策必须集中注意力于家庭利用作为增进健康一种重要力量

    Preventive health-care programs and policies must focus on the family and utilize it as an important resource in health promotion.


  • 梧桐树适中方式集中注意力于一些地区,它们可能突然成为抢占明年标题新闻的背景

    Buttonwood will take the more modest approach of highlighting a couple of areas that could burst out of the background to grab next year's headlines.


  • 通过发现转录因子研究人员可以集中注意力调控途径需要知道影响哪个多少基因

    He said that by finding the transcription factor, researchers can concentrate on modifying its pathway, and won't need to know which or how many genes it affects.


  • 长途旅行中,这些消遣可能颇受欢迎然而集中注意力于车内样物体,断开运动联系,反而加强恶心感觉

    While such distractions may be welcome on long trips, the act of focusing on something inside the car can intensify the nauseating sense of disconnection from the movement outside.


  • 执行一重新改组织之际,期望我们前受奖人努力成果行政管理更加有效率会更加集中注意力于支持这个义工网络

    In implementing this reorganization, I expect greater efficiencies in the administration of our alumni efforts and greater focus to support the volunteer network.


  • 必须集中注意力球队并且我不应该进球担心如果我一味集中注意进球那么进球艰难,”这位24岁小将总结到

    "I know I must concentrate on the team and I shouldn't worry about scoring, if I only focus on my goal drought it will be even harder to find the net," concluded the 24-year-old.


  • 拥有清晰、可完成项目列表能力每一时刻集中注意力单个任务需要脑子里权衡下一步到底做哪个将要做的100个左右的步骤。

    Having a clear list of actionable items gives you the power to focus on a single task at a time, without having to balance 100 or so next-steps in your head.


  • 好莱坞黄金岁月也许1950年代结束了但是直到最近他们似乎不经意地使用了数学方法利用我们变的注意广度,即一个人能集中注意力于某一问题的时间。

    HOLLYWOOD's golden age may have ended in the 1950s, but it is only recently that Tinseltown appears to have hit upon a mathematical way to capitalise on our fickle attention spans.


  • 目的为了保证受试者集中注意力康利专注自己追捕疑犯确保不会扔掉什么东西一样。

    The purpose of this was to maintain the focus of their attention, just as Conley was focused on the suspect he was chasing to make sure he didn't pull a gun or throw something away.


  • 如果曾经沉迷款游戏至少证明了你集中注意力能力

    If you've been obsessed with a game, you have already proven to yourself that you have the ability to focus.


  • 我们集中注意力能力有限的(就是为什么开车打电话很危险的事情),并且们偏执倾向自己的所想所愿。

    We have a limited ability to pay attention (which is why talking on a cellphone while driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving), and plenty of biases about what we expect or want to see.


  • 电脑媒体时代强调短期注意力而Hulu却将在线影视彻底改造成了种类似电视体验,它顾客提供了一个功能丰富的播放器,并要求顾客较长时间的集中注意力

    In a medium conducive to short-attention spans, Hulu reinvented the online viewing experience for long-form content with a TV-like, feature-rich video player.


  • 电脑媒体时代强调短期注意力而Hulu却将在线影视彻底改造成了种类似电视体验,它顾客提供了一个功能丰富的播放器,并要求顾客较长时间的集中注意力

    In a medium conducive to short-attention spans, Hulu reinvented the online viewing experience for long-form content with a TV-like, feature-rich video player.


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