• 相反地,需要集中注意力在重读单词发音上即可。

    You should however, concentrate on pronouncing the stressed words clearly.


  • 集中注意力洗碗的过程上,关注自来水泡沫

    Do it while paying full attention to your washing, to the water and suds.


  • 越是集中注意力在不想要的东西上,那个方向前进

    The more you focus on what you don't want, the more you head in that direction.


  • 他们集中注意力明星们光鲜亮丽外表不是奋斗精神上

    They concentrate on superstars merely for the glorious appearance but not for the strive spirits.


  • 集中注意力在接下来一个小时并且种方式鼓励自己实现目标

    Concentrate on a goal for the next hour and think of a way to reward yourself for reaching that goal.


  • “一旦不能集中注意力在目标上,遇到各种障碍”——亨利·福特

    "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry ford.


  • 段时间内主要集中注意力在自身,目的是为了提高自己的技能

    During this time you will be primarily focused inward, intent on growing your craftsmanship.


  • 米兰街头充满层次感还有色彩搭配集中注意力细节还有剪裁

    Street style in Milan is all about layering and color matching, there is a great focus on details and shapes.


  • 只是提醒不要寻找同盟者渴望阻碍集中注意力自己努力上面

    I'd just caution you against letting the desire to get an ally become the focus of your effort.


  • 根据吸引力法则无论你们集中注意力在什么上面,你们都会使其更加接近显现

    Through the Law of Attraction whatever you are focussing upon you will bring nearer to manifestation.


  • 可能体验思想情绪就像是云朵一样环绕你周围,你能集中注意力云朵之上或者不能

    You may then experience the thoughts and emotions that you have as a cloud surrounding you, a cloud that you can focus your attention on or not.


  • 就要求整个团队协调高度承诺集中注意力在整个宽幅打印设备方面,供给建筑

    It requires work and a high degree of commitment from the entire team, with a focus on the whole wide-format printing facility, from the supplies to the building.


  • 他已经过去我们做的是忘记并且集中注意力西班牙人的比赛同样争取

    That's in the past though and we need to put it behind us and concentrate on the Espanyol game, where there's also three points in play.


  • 然而个争论关于是否集中注意力月球火星太阳系其它地方不仅仅的问题。

    Yet the debate on whether to focus on the Moon or on Mars and other areas within the solar system is not just about money.


  • 他们擅长集中注意力相关信息上,同时排除无关干扰,他们擅长于找出迷惑性信息。

    They are more adept at focusing on relevant information and editing out the irrelevant. They're also better at spotting misleading information.


  • 召唤过程需要集中注意力在强大快乐记忆上,伏地魔日益强大的情况下,这并不是简单的事情。

    The process involves concentrating on a powerful, happy memory, not always an easy prospect as Voldemort grows powerful.


  • 那些成功人士集中注意力某一确切任务上,然后用自己最大能力,完全干扰做到最好。

    Those who are successful focus on one specific task and do that task to the best of their ability without interruption.


  • 同时判决机构可能过往法律案例中寻求指导,为此他们总是集中注意力将来决策社会所产生的碰撞上。

    While the adjudicating organs may seek guidance from past judicial experience, they should always focus their vision strongly upon the probable impact of decision upon the future of their community.


  • 聚苯乙烯达亚齐地震集中注意力安达曼海域周围地区可能会看到别人复制品区域界线地图通过这些板块

    PS Now that the Banda Aceh earthquake has focussed attention on the area around the Andaman Sea, you may see reproductions of these plate boundaries on regional maps by others.


  • 花费了之前大概15时间集中注意力技术Gnomon方面所以遇到审美方面技能,我发觉还有很多东西需要赶上

    I've spent the bulk of the last fifteen years focused on technology and Gnomon, so when it comes to my aesthetic skill, I feel that I have a lot of catching up to do.


  • Gazzaley研究队伍将集中注意力大脑两个网络志愿者个的大脑网络快速运转,努力进行现场记忆是,个可以从面部形状变化评估得出是变得兴奋的。

    Gazzaley says the team focused on two networks in the brain, one that revs up when volunteers are trying to keep the scene in mind and another that becomes active as they evaluate a face.


  • 相反我们努力集中注意力时,我们注意力往往集中我们试图解决问题细节上

    In contrast, when we are diligently focused, our attention tends to be towards the details of the problems we are trying to solve.


  • 如此一些人认为无聊课堂上涂鸦可以帮助学生集中注意力

    Because of this, some believe that doodling during a boring lecture can help students pay attention.


  • 研究表明持续地集中注意力小时后,大脑需要休息

    There is research that shows that after about an hour of intense focus, your brain needs a break.


  • 因此拉维做了另一个实验观察这种难度增加能够更好地集中注意力能力

    So Lavie did another experiment, designed to look at this ability to concentrate better in the face of increased difficulty.


  • 报道,阅读电子屏幕上阅读有利于记忆集中注意力

    It is reported that reading on paper rather than an electronic screen is better for memory and focus.


  • 同样地如果安静图书馆或者自己房间私人空间中能更好地集中注意力那儿

    Likewise, if you can focus better in quiet libraries or the privacy of your own room, then you should write there.


  • 这是不是意味着提到第一假设错误的,那个假设我们集中注意力时候甚至没有察觉到不相关信息

    Doesn't that mean that the first hypothesis you mentioned was wrong, the one that says we don't even perceive irrelevant information when we are concentrating?


  • 些研究甚至表明,外界的噪音和杂乱有助于一些人集中注意力,因为这使他们头脑中形成一堵“墙”,围着他们正做的事情,提高他们的专注力。

    Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus their attention, because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.


  • 些研究甚至表明,外界的噪音和杂乱有助于一些人集中注意力,因为这使他们头脑中形成一堵“墙”,围着他们正做的事情,提高他们的专注力。

    Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus their attention, because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.


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