• 不再需要那个转化光明黑暗能量

    No longer will you need to be the ones who transmute energies of light and dark.


  • 那时许多研究员相信黑暗能量可能空间各处真空存在量子泡沫

    At the moment, many researchers believe that dark energy may be a foam of quantum particles that exists throughout the vacuum of space.


  • 任何地方遇到黑暗能量发送祝福那困陷黑暗之中的灵魂。

    Wherever you come across the dark energies, send out your Light and bless those souls who are caught up in it.


  • 就是为什么清理工作包括你们以及地球母亲因为携带深深根植入地球里的黑暗能量

    That is why the cleansing is about you and Mother Earth, as she also carries the dark energies that have become grounded deep within the Earth.


  • 一个90年代后期出现想法黑暗能量像是非常遥远的幕布逐渐增加速度推动宇宙分离

    An idea that arose in the late 90s, dark energy seems to act over very large distances, pushing the Universe apart at an ever increasing speed.


  • 最终GREAT奖所开发电脑程序用于揭开暗物质黑暗能量面纱,帮助科学家明白构成宇宙95%以上物质的真实面目。

    Ultimately, the computer programs developed for the GREAT challenge will be used to help unmask dark matter and dark energy, the mysterious stuff that makes up 95 percent of the universe.


  • 官方结局中,水中出现黑暗能量的大爆炸黑暗能量巨大扩张,达到了王子女皇之上愤怒挥舞着触手。

    In the official ending, there is an explosion of dark power that rises from the water, grown to a massive size, the Dahaka ascends over the Prince and the Empress, flailing in rage.


  • 意味着这些对立光明黑暗给予索取看成是一体(one)的各个方面,看成是同一能量

    This means that it recognizes the opposites of good and bad, light and dark, giving and taking, as the aspects of one and the same energy.


  • 为了度过黑暗寒冬岁月树木贮藏着自己能量。 这也是我们幸运,它们的低功耗过程却产生了一些令人愉快的副作用

    To survive through the dark winter months, trees hoard their energy; lucky for us, the power-down process has some lovely side effects


  • 另一种设想暗物质能量之间联系会改变宇宙结构,因为宇宙结构严重依赖于的各种构成成分包括黑暗部分。

    Another idea is that a connection between dark matter and dark energy would alter the growth of cosmic structures, which depends delicately on the composition of the universe, including its dark side.


  • 准确点,就是质量的年轻恒星产生的能量强光恒星蒸发驱散孕育它们的“恒星孕育场”,即图黑暗区。

    More precisely, the energetic light and winds from massive newly formed stars are evaporating and dispersing the dark stellar nurseries in which they formed.


  • 过去几十年中,科学一项重大发现宇宙中的大部分物质能量黑暗的。

    An important discovery in science in the past few decades is most mass and energy in the universe is dark.


  • 随着你们见证黑暗力量死亡一种神圣能量注入做好准备。

    Be prepared for an influx of divine energy as you witness the demise of the forces of darkness.


  • 因此送出到任何地方每个灵魂并且也许喜悦心醉神迷能量中,不是寄居在黑暗的口袋里哭泣明白

    So I send my love and light everywhere, to every soul, and I may as well rejoice in the pockets of light rather than dwell in the pockets of darkness and weep, you see.


  • 詹姆斯·威廉斯调查能量神秘力量背后另一个黑暗宇宙:。

    James Williams investigates the mysteries behind another dark force in the universe: dark energy.


  • 光子能量笼罩整个地球表面黑暗开始之时。

    This is will be where the Photon Energy envelops the Earth plane and the three days of darkness begin.


  • 这些小怪物世界同类衍生品,没有新的能量,只有黑暗光明增益减益效果

    Trash MOBS are derivatives of their world counter-parts with no new or fresh powers beyond the darkness and light buffs and debuffs.


  • 涡旋黑暗中心光束携带能量螺旋,沿着顺时针或者逆时针方向流动

    Around the dark core of an optical vortex, the energy flow carried by the light beam is like a spiral staircase, flowing in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.


  • 最大保护力,因为可以转移或者改变黑暗能量

    That is all you need for your protection, as it will deflect or transmute the dark energies.


  • 醉酒夜晚可能包围自己黑暗粉碎,而让你提升倒退至少3个月更长因为此后必需修复能量场。

    One drunken night and one may be shattered by the darkness surrounding oneself setting back one's ascension by 3 months or more due to the repair to the field necessary thereafter.


  • 只要你们中的许多人去这么,会一个让人惊喜巨大力量产生,并根除转变黑暗能量

    When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.


  • 光子能量本质确实能力腾出日光因此谈论关于黑暗的时候是在讨论真正纯净黑暗

    The essence of the Photon Energy literally has the ability to block out the sunlight, so when I talk about darkness I'm talking about the real purity of darkness.


  • 本来西斯星球锡奥斯特,在那里,黑暗能量引诱屈服于最原始的本能。

    He traveled to the Sith world of Ziost, where the energy of the dark side tempted him to give in to his basest instincts.


  • 为了扩展经验花费很多时间黑暗的方面上,这样你可以了解不同能量那些能量激发有它们的表达方式的动机。

    To extend your understanding you have also spent time with the dark Ones, so that you could understand the different energies that motivated their ways of expression.


  • 为了扩展经验花费很多时间黑暗的方面上,这样你可以了解不同能量那些能量激发有它们的表达方式的动机。

    To extend your understanding you have also spent time with the dark Ones, so that you could understand the different energies that motivated their ways of expression.


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